Rekordni broj Oskara dobijenih za jedan film osvojila su 3 filma, Ben Hur , iz 1959, Titanik award winning documentaries , 1997 i Gospodar prstenova: Povratak kralja award winning documentaries , koji je pobedio u svakoj konkurenciji u kojoj je bio nominovan, što ga čini filmom, logično, sa najboljim procentom award winning documentaries uspešnosti svih vremena, što se osvajanja ove nagrade tiče. U pitanju award winning documentaries je 11 Oskara.
Najviše award winning documentaries Oskara koje je osvojio jedan čovek, drži Walt Disney sa neverovatna 22 Oskara. Što se devojaka tiče, Edith Head je najuspešnija po tom pitanju, ona je kao kostimograf osvojila 8 Oskara, koja i najviše puta nominovana žena za Oskara, sa 35 nominacija. Edith Head Walt Disney
Neki od slavnih glumaca, poput Al Pacina , Jack Nicholsona čekali su godinama na Oskara, tačnije Al Pacino je imao neverovatnih 7 nominacija dok konačno, 1993. nije osvojio možda i poodavno zasluženog Oskara, dok je Jack Nicholson "izgubio" 4 puta, pre nego što je osvojio prvog Oskara. Kasnije je osvojio još 2 te je na čelu liste sa najviše osvojenig Oskara u kategoriji glumaca
Ben Hur , Titanic and The Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King are three films that won most Academy awards ever. They won 11 Academy awards each. The Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King is also one and only picture that won Academy award in every single category award winning documentaries they were nominated.
award winning documentaries Most nominations for one movie had Titanic , with 14 nominations and All About Eve , from Joseph L. Mankiewicz, from 1950 . Most Academy awards won by a single man record is held by Walt Disney with incredible 22 Oscars. As for the ladies, Edith Head is the most succesfu. She has won 8 Academy awards and also she holds the record for most nomination, with number of 35 nominations for all years of work ergo, not in one year. She has won all Oscars for a costume designer category. Some of famous actors, Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson, has waited for years to get an Academy award. More precisely, Al Pacino finaly won Oscar after losing 7 times. He won his first Academy Award in 1993. Jack Nicholson "lost" 4 times before he won an Oscar. Later, Jack won 2 more Academy Awards, so with 3 Oscars to his name, he is most succesful actor alongside Walter Brennan who also won 3 Academy Awards. So, DiCaprio, there's still time for you...
▼ 2014 (7) ► June (2) ▼ May (5) Pomoć poplavljenima / Help for flooded people award winning documentaries Poplave... Dan: ko zna koji?! / Floods... Day: Who... Oskarovci / Academy award winning documentaries awards records Premijer liga... Pomozimo sugrađanima sada kad im je naša pomoć naj...
Oskarovci / Academy awards records