The night of December 3 marked the return chris colfer movie of big screen cinema in the town of Prizren. Dokukino, a 3D cinema technology with over 160 seats, will be operational throughout the year and will be managed by Doku. The guests at the opening ceremony of Dokukino were Ambassadors, representatives of the Municipality of Prizren, personalities from the field of art in Kosovo, and media representatives.
Artistic Director of Doku said Veton Nurkollari very excited about the opening of cinema, recalling moments from his childhood when Prizren had two functional cinema, Cinema and Cinema Radniku Bistrica. Nurkollari chris colfer movie thanked all those who saw the importance of reopening the cinema in Prizren and supported the dream of the founders of Doku.
Erol BIlibani, Executive Director of Doku said finally proud city of Prizren is returning to cinema absent. Bilibani thank the Municipality of Prizren, the European Union, the Norwegian Embassy and the Embassy of the United States for their mështetjen cinema setting. Bilibani also pointed out that this movie will be a platform chris colfer movie for sustainable DokuFest organization.
Present at the ceremony was the European Union Special Representative in Kosovo Samuel Žbogar which describe the opening of the cinema as a significant achievement. "We are proud to have worked with inspiring people who turn their dream is Prizren. We all know how the story started DokuFest. There was an idea to change the situation in the city. After many years of work engagement is achieved fulfillment of this idea in the space where we are tonight. "Said Žbogar
Norwegian Ambassador to Kosovo in January Braathu said that the opening of the cinema is a quality development for the city of Prizren. "Your home theater is also DokuFest cinema city", said Braathu. While Jeff Jamison, Public Affairs Officer at the Embassy of the United States said "15 years long period in the calendar, but also the historical aspect of Kosovo. chris colfer movie But it is ending tonight and from now on will be the center of Prizren design films. "
Representative of Prizren Municipality Paqarizi Sadik, who had the role of cinema project as a mediator between the Municipality of Prizren, the European Union and DokuFest expressed satisfaction that proejkti was completed successfully.
Dokukino opening was followed by the screening of the film Before chris colfer movie Midnight by director Richard Linklater. While open to the public will be held on December 3 at 21:00 pm with a screening of the film "Thor - The Dark World" in 3D technology. Thor film is currently in second place in U.S. ticket sales and in Kosovo will be displayed for the first time.
Dokukino program, besides Hollywood films and new films will include the most successful documentary shown in DokuFest and independent films. In December, the repertory cinema is expected to occur Before Midnight movies by director Richard Linklater, Searching for Sugerman by Malik Bendjelloul, Filth by director Jon Baird and Niko film for children 2 to 3D, by Kari Juusonen and Jorgen Lerdam. Ticket prices will be from 2 to 4 euros, depending on the type of film.
Bilal Erdogan, the Turkish prime minister's son
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