Utusan Malaysia. May 3, 2009. "Concept One Malaysia is a concept that has not come true and accurate filling of political rhetoric alone. Prime Minister said, the concept will be translated through a process of evolution rather sag awards red carpet than a specific place in one night"
1. Issue should be brought up a cow's head of One Malaysia. If not, will terjunamlah credibility sag awards red carpet Dato 'Najib as PM 1 Malaysia. May the issue of creation of UMNO's Bloodline can be an apparatus to measure the sincerity PM proclaim the One Malaysia as a policy struggle.
2. Issue of Teoh Beng Hock. Why Teoh's death have not been evaluated based on the concept of 1 Malaysia. why his death is so hard to be recognized as a criminal case. Was his death dibangunan that underlies the concept of 1 Malaysia? Why until now the autopsy results are not presented to the public? What people 1 Malaysia not entitled to know the real story?
3. Sharibuu Altantuya case. Why not be the case when the whole concept of 1 Malaysia people still wonder his motive. What Sirul relationship with Altantuya up the wrong scapegoat hanged? Why people do not get a satisfactory answer when there is speculation linking Najib and Rosmah to the murder?
4. Rosmah gnome. The puzzle sag awards red carpet is still not answered in a transparent manner, especially by the owner of the body of his wife PM 1 Malaysia. Even though it is an amateur sag awards red carpet documentary sag awards red carpet that roam the Internet, Rosmah calmly deal with society without waiting for the response of the people. If the video is defamatory, video designer why not dragged into court? Or what if Rosmah apprehend his response will only make the issue more serious and a more negative impact on him? But as the wife of PM 1 Malaysia, goodwill is not to let people continue sag awards red carpet berperasangka and hate without explanation.
5. Issue of missing jet engines. This issue is very embarrassing for a country that supposedly has a sophisticated defense system. 1 Malaysian defense minister should resign because sag awards red carpet he's negligence could harm national security. If the size of the jet engine car can be stolen and taken deer out of the country, it is not surprising that the smaller properties such as C4 bomb could be smuggled out and used for human bomb.
6. Issue of the Word of God. Digging its own grave, that can be attributed to the government when the issue is politicized. With menggembar loosen the 1 Malaysia concept, religious people kristien face very great criticism when their efforts sag awards red carpet to share the word of God passed court. Why are they being attacked?, Not the legal system and the constitution of our country that has allowed them to use the word? So it is logical for us to attack those who created the system and abuse it for political gain. For Islam, Kristien today is not the same as biblical religion that was revealed to Prophet Jesus. Thus the use of the word Allah in kristien religion today certainly in contravention of the interpretation of the true religion. This must be explained to them in dialogue and discussion on calculation I would be one of Malaysia compared demo at mosques.
7. Issues Anwar Ibrahim sodomy second sag awards red carpet version. This issue is too ignore the concept of 1 Malaysia. When we wait and see the results of the well will be the black point in the history of the 1 Malaysia
2008 | Embroidering eulogy Pena | Asri Abdullah
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