Sunday, April 6, 2014

King scorer EDUARDO scores in the series

Biennial Comet goldfish these days the world's media star who is declared the smartest fish in the world. Comet can play football and basketball, and dance to the beat of Caribbean limbo dance. - It is much evidence to show that fish are more intelligent than people think - told the Daily Telegraph Dean Pomerleau (41), a software engineer and entrepreneur from Pittsburgh. Pomerleau was already known as one of the proponents of calorie restriction (CR) diet in which some believe that could be one of the strategies to extend the human lifespan. Following the advice of scientists who believe that maintaining body weight at 10 to 20 percent lower than normal life span can be extended to 120 years, Dean Pomerleau eats twice a day only foods of plant origin. Instead of a dog - fish Meanwhile, his hobby became a breeding goldfish learning different tricks and skills. The fish was first bought to my daughter Alas turned away from her desire for a dog as a pet. Alas still wants to have a dog, but her father best art documentaries discovered that the goldfish can learn certain skills. Dean while serving technique called. positive force, training, during which food is used as a reward for a successful operation.
- Do you want to learn to fish pressed the lever, at the beginning you the reward best art documentaries as soon as he turned toward her, then you will reward approaching the lever, and after several repetitions of animals will learn the entire game in order to receive the award - Dean Pomerleau explained to British newspaper The Daily Telegraph. His first star was Albert Einstein, goldfish, which is 2006th was entered in the Guinness best art documentaries Book of Records as the smartest fish. Then three years Albert has successfully demonstrated a series of tricks and games, including overcoming a series of obstacles, football and limbo dancing, which are written on a fish and popular science magazines Wired and Discover. After Alberta, Pomerleau best art documentaries has successfully trained Comet, which is now Alberta wrested the title of the smartest fish in the world. Academy for training Dean Pomerleau was founded and the first "World Academy for training of fish", in cooperation with the firm R2 Solutions has constructed a special accessory to train goldfish, which includes columns for slalom and tunnels as well as DVD and manual. Yes goldfish are not being short memory of just a few seconds, as the common opinion, was recently demonstrated by Australian high school student Rory Stokes who during his trial studied a small group of fish to swim to a float. During the three-week experiment Rory whenever it was time to feed the fish in the water, put the float. Then he would wait for half a minute and then float around best art documentaries sprinkled food for fish. At the beginning of the experiment, the fish would float to swim for about a minute, and after three weeks it took them less than five seconds. They come when you call them workers Then Rory six days to remove the float and when he returned, the fish swam to it in 4.4 seconds, which showed that recall the connection between food and the float. - I've best art documentaries spent half my life explaining to people that fish are not stupid. Unfortunately, few laboratories in the world has been exploring the brain of fish - said to Discover New Zealand Calum Brown zoologist who studies the cognitive abilities of fish. Brown recognized that salmon can teach yourself to be fed by pushing the lever, and some can even be trained to come when they are called so that workers who clean the lake of algae can be moved from one place to another. best art documentaries Tanja Rudež
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