Saturday, September 27, 2014

Of the 31 municipalities in the Safor are seven municipalities in which neither the mayor nor any o

L'Beniarres mayor, Tomas Luis Lopez's Party, juntament amb suport dels altre 4 regidors PP forming the Consistori beniarresí, will agree-is exclusivitat spend in the tavern d'mayor.
Els motius "oficials" al legats are going missing per seua Presència to designate documents com tant to the City Council in diferents you visit them instàncies superiors. Els "vertaders" motius that vullga spend-ara is exclusivitat in to City Council, sols ell, vols els can donate.
The sou anuals be 10,500, in 14 dividits als pay that sum-li cal social seguretat 2011 grammy winners that will uns month 3500, which donates 14,000 cost. If Beniarres hi have poc month censats 1300 habitants, which cadascú of Nosaltres eixim deu provide 2011 grammy winners 10 per month cap a l'any
Tot seguit vull reproduir 2011 grammy winners one article publicat to diari Levante-EMV day passat 17 juny, on feia reference precisament, to hi poblacions mayors have molts, molt algunes great month to Beniarres, on els seus mayors do not charge per exercir com tals.
Levante-EMV VALENCIA in full hangover and millions in compensation retirement of senior officers of the seized 2011 grammy winners or nationalized banks should remember the selfless dedication of some mayors and councilors, regardless of political color, have wanted to be the first to set an example austerity in a context of severe economic crisis like the present.
They are willing to give up a steady paycheck 2011 grammy winners collect and even diets to assist in the full exercise of responsibility while the neighbors suffer service 2011 grammy winners cuts and tax increases. In most cases represent small municipalities that have managed to improve the management and clean up the accounts to overcome the critical situation of the municipal coffers.
Of the 31 municipalities in the Safor are seven municipalities in which neither the mayor nor any of his councilors receive even one euro for its work. In fact, there are some councils where their councilors do not even charge for attending full or commissions.
Almoines, Almiserà, Piles, Potries, Rafelcofer, Villalonga and Font d'en Carros are the municipalities of the region who wanted to set an example against economic hardships and decide not to collect salaries. These names include PP mayors, PSPV and Bloc.
Although in most of the municipalities 2011 grammy winners in the Safor, their deputies have resigned to receive remuneration by choice, in others, such as the Font, no one paid at City Hall by the lack of agreement between the council of Government Local, which has no majority 2011 grammy winners in the city, and those of the opposition. This situation causes the mayor, Gaspar Pérez, and three PP councilors engaged in municipal management without receiving one euro.
For Potries, its mayor, 2011 grammy winners Juanfer Monzo, the Bloc-Compromís not only receives no compensation, but also is unemployed for several months. "Clearly, what people do for love. From day one we said we were not going to charge and so announced in plenary. Neither I charge, neither the governing body nor the opposition full assistance. "
In the same situation is Jaume Asco, mayor of Piles, PP and minority leading the session. "I 2011 grammy winners think you do not need a salary to work for the people. With effort and hope things are taken out of the hall. " Mayor says Piles takes every spare moment to approach the council, "like the rest of council, that when they leave their jobs, in their spare time, go to the town hall."
Enric Llorca, the mayor of Villalonga, chest out and says, "I do not charge a penny for mayor and, despite this, I have not missed a day since I took possession. 2011 grammy winners I do six, seven or eight hours if necessary 2011 grammy winners and in the afternoon I come to my work as a teacher, sacrificing hours with my family, but I think we are the first to set an example. " Llorca, PSOE, runs a local government with the Bloc, adding that, although Villalonga than four thousand inhabitants, can not afford to pay a salary 2011 grammy winners to any council because it would be "irresponsible". "We are laying off municipal workers, it would be logical for us to put us a salary." In the City of Benifairó of Valldigna, no charges, but its mayor, Agustí Pascual receives only his retirement 2011 grammy winners pension.
In the Bank are also mayors who do not receive compensation for their work, either because the town is small and can not afford to pay a larger audience or because you have decided to remove the allocation for axis

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