Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Jaaa Oh ... I agree with you. These large posters in the tunnel is terrible. 8 January 2010 7:41 Ja

You pay gladly for one year from the previous debt. Indeed, in my opinion compulsory military service (Jaanika question of comments, jeei!). In short: I'm against. Why? First, it could be pointed out that the so-called traditional argument. Namely, that it is a so-called wasted time. I can imagine how many will respond to that argument: Well, I myself have not been in the army, and, consequently, do not know anything, that there's a lot of studying, city of glass by cassandra clare and at a very acute. city of glass by cassandra clare Mnjah myself ... I have not been in the army, indeed, but let's be honest, I find the actions of blindly searching for a lot more useful way to spend one year. Learning from the site ... there's no doubt learns to handle a weapon (hmm.., And this is positive because ...?), Depending on the type of troops in the war such as howitzers or some other tool to use (the same issue, even though the quality is indeed better specializations: for example, a medic, Logistics, etc.), discipline (ie, that you still behave just as gray as a mouse, and in such manner as the Chief nobody wants?), and much more. Whoa, where it is "useful" learning again? This so-called personal profit / loss argument in the form of benefits while using the service, it seems only right to obtain a physical form (in theory, at least). But is there a need to go to the army? But frankly, this is not a "personal injury" just an argument as to why I am against compulsory city of glass by cassandra clare military service. Thus, I reasoned, secondly, their views of the same arguments that I make my previous "sõjapostituses" exercise. The military is a mechanism for identity politics, ie, there is nothing like the people are mobilized to protect the identity of the entity or arbitraarse purposes. "We" as "the Estonians' we should protect the 'national' and the associated political body designed city of glass by cassandra clare for the" city of glass by cassandra clare other "against. Perhaps the contemporary Estonian political discourse city of glass by cassandra clare watching their naughty "Russians" and against Russia (because they're city of glass by cassandra clare about to come to the tanks over the Narva river). Anyway, my views "nation," city of glass by cassandra clare and other kinds of social identities is not very compatible with this rhetoric, which has built up the army (the readership of this blog probably is not quite ready to present their views in more detail, I would write). Pmst is the rhetoric of women like maternity machines that nation again produce (pseudo-problem called "lenses"), and the men are the ones who should be prepared for this political shell for life to give (because well, it's a "masculine" or the result of lifeline, so " primitive internal strength ", etc). Maaaa dare to doubt. But I accept it when someone city of glass by cassandra clare else has to do what I rather see a negative, but rather as something positive. Perspective and habitus (Bourdieu, AJE), you know. The third problem is related to the military, however, (and yes, Estonia's "defense forces" - a semiotic point of view, quite an interesting fact) the nature of the institution. The military has its structure is hierarchical, which means blind obedience pmst and humans city of glass by cassandra clare (ie, soldiers) homogenization of nameless cannon fodder. Personally I'd like also to know and think about why I'm doing one or the other moves. And, if necessary, to doubt (meaning that the military would be "treason"). However, the military needs of its functioning and structure of such a rigorous homogenization of times, so for me it is also a purely institutional properties of the hair is. The fourth problem: the binding. This is a "choice" that is made for the people relying on the state to national rhetoric. I'm no ultraliberaal, but the essence of it is (if all these national city of glass by cassandra clare ideals then peeled off) of arbitrary imprisonment (or, given the contents of the time, hard labor?), Unjustified restriction of the freedom of the individual. Here one could also go forward, end to end state philosophy, and to ask whether the so-called modern nation-state city of glass by cassandra clare is something to be protected at all need it, but I guess it's beyond the realm of the dimensions of this blog ... here then. Personal city of glass by cassandra clare injury misbegotten goal of the homogenized structure and binding. Any objections? PS. My "fate" decide arbitrarily (!) Next summer. city of glass by cassandra clare PPS. It Kalamaja city of glass by cassandra clare the fire came from reading such an idea: why should not apply in the so-called city of glass by cassandra clare squatter ite law that would allow the homeless to live legally in the abandoned buildings? The Netherlands would be a model ...
Jaaa Oh ... I agree with you. These large posters in the tunnel is terrible. 8 January 2010 7:41 Jaanika said ... Whoopee! I already thought that you of my desire to evade the story :) I agree with you 110%. I have been totally against the grain (although it is my duty to be here in the country is solvent-machine) that people do not have the opportunity to choose whether he wants to or can not go to the army. And this sunniviisilisust ground that needs to be serving my country. Have other options is not here? 8 January 2010 9:59 Eero said ...
Be loyal to the state, or else ... you are "Russian" traitor, "fagot" or the like. Oehh ... But that would establish a so-called wage in the army, or, better yet, would be sent to the army distributed city of glass by cassandra clare (in Costa Rica would be

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