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Cover image Omasido Film School | medanbisnisdaily.com NIASONLINE, JAKARTA - A film which revolves around Nias children who are forced to work in the age of the children and the school hopes to be the best film nominees at Erasmus Huis International Documentary Film Festival (erasmusindocs) 2013.
The film titled Omasido School (I Want To School). Produced by the Director of the Center for Study and Child Protection (PKPA) Misran Lubis, with Onny directed Kresnawan. The film through to the final after going through the stages of judging by a jury at home and abroad.
Previously, as quoted by Kompas.com, Onny explains, 23:40 minute long film is a portrait of the worst employment situation a boy named Febriani Telaumbanua (16) with his sister and other children. Because of poverty, they are forced to work in dangerous locations on the island of Nias to share the burden of families who live as farmers penderes rubber. indie movies
As a result, indie movies they could not enjoy school and play like children their own age. Most children in Nias also forced to seek sustenance risking their lives in dangerous steep rock hills.
"In order for the mission indie movies of the campaign OS movie fulfillment of children's rights are increasingly widespread," said Onny. Making films is the result of collaboration at school Omasido Studies Center and Child Protection (PKPA) and supported by the EU-ACTED Indonesia and manufactured indie movies by SFD.
Meanwhile, Misran explained, in addition to the pride of the moment in the international escape of the film, which is more important is how the government and the public responded to the messages in the film.
Erasmusindocs The Cultural Center itself indie movies was held by the Dutch in Indonesia and supported by the IFDA. This event brought together indie movies documentary films from various festivals in the world. The judges of the event is a combination of inside and outside the country. Among them, Jord den Hollander, Hafiz Rancajele, indie movies Hans Treffers, Loes Wormmeester, Pawel Ferdek, Nia Dinata, Aryo Danusiri, Ria Ernunsari and Tomy Widiyatno Taslim.
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deserves our gratitude are extended to tyme and along with the Producer to Sponsor yng have bothered to make a feature film entitled nias kid "at school Omasido" which tells the real state nias.terima children love, ........ go ahead .. and work .....? .. NIHA ONO ............
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