Declassified that Carla Bruni, emmys fashion the wife of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, has entered into what has been described as an affair motorcycle with Laurent Fabius, a former prime minister who was appointed by the current president, Francois Hollande, and his foreign minister. As reported by the British press Friday, the roots of this disclosure goes back to 2008 - in marriage, emmys fashion Sarkozy and Bruni - when he issued a letter of French political Valerie Poonam book entitled Carla and Nicolas: The True Story and listed the fans Model former singer, emmys fashion including a star rock 'n' roll Mick Jagger emmys fashion and Eric Clapton.
This writer claimed that Brunei also established a relationship short but raging flames with Fabius. She said in an interview with her at the time: Monday relationship was well known to workers in the media in France, but they are reluctant to refer to it. Perhaps the reason for this is due to the relationship that the parties themselves declined to confirm the rumors. "
Poonam ago and more than double in this, she said: It is imperative that Brunei was little resistance in front of the Stars Art and politics. It has established a relationship with the other (former education minister) emmys fashion Luc Ferry . And in accordance with Brunei has established this relationship in the beginning of the new century, but their relationship Bloarn Fabius (Socialist Prime Minister from 1984 to 1986) is an eye-catching after announcing now as foreign minister emmys fashion in the new government.
The writer says that Brunei emmys fashion tended emotionally to the political left and taken her so many friends in the Socialist Party . It is noteworthy that Fabius (65 years now) was the youngest prime minister in the French Fifth Republic. According to Poonam has been found in Brunei this fact alone source of irresistible attraction , and this is in addition to that he was never and free thus. But the belief is that their relationship ended before her marriage to Sarkozy. In fact, the relationship has been the subject of Brunei men Tlokh tongues since it made its way to world fame. For its part, knew her as saying she finds a unilateral relations - such as marriage of one man - boring. But reached the height of their adventures emotional when he began a relationship with the philosopher Raphael Antoven emmys fashion which is what still mistress of his father Jean - Paul. Then she gave birth to a son of the philosopher and accused of destroying his marriage to the writer Justine Levy.
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