Let's say that this is the plan and the given conditions for the morning: I have slept well and long, 6h, then I wake up at 06. I'll then get up, put on my clothes etc, eat some breakfast and go down for the gym and just go for a while on the treadmill. Okay? A ridiculously minimal step for mankind (healthy people), but a big step for Fia. Haha!
I wake up, let's say, without headaches, positive and look forward to the day. Going through in my head what will happen best dressed at the oscars today and check list (-s) in my phone. It is very lists ha ha! More on that another day. Depending on how I feel, I go up either directly, or are already here, STILL REMAINS IN BED!, Be attacked best dressed at the oscars by the crippling best dressed at the oscars fatigue and / or the terrible headache. Then I often do not get out of bed in a few hours. Possibly anyways masa me out to the couch to put me there. I do not like to lie in bed in the daytime / when not to sleep. Good sleep hygiene is called.
The physical feeling if I try to explain is that now suddenly someone standing on top of my head!?! You know, where one foot that has Kasat down my forehead a little. Think bulldog? Heavy and painful .. I say to the person on top of my head: "Excuse me, would you be so damn sweet and cute and get off, I actually best dressed at the oscars have rested for many hours just recently and have little else to do today?" (SEE FIGURE 2 FIGURE BELOW, HAHA!). best dressed at the oscars But no response. I may make me a little while to try and "mota Olle in gate". best dressed at the oscars Maybe you can, maybe not. Okay, maybe a good day today: it lets go, "person walks by," but I know and feel that he has only taken a step off and stand there ready to jump in when that again ... (SEE FIGURE 1 FIGURE BELOW, HAHA )
I get up and pick up some food, sit down and eat. No newspaper, only the food vs. me. Haha! At the moment when I take two of my "energy" pills (stimulants), then I have no appetite at all ..! So this breakfast activity we have jumped over the last ... I otherwise love the brekky! best dressed at the oscars
Okay, I'm loaded and hopeful for the day and for the mini-tour down to the gym. Low adrenaline / endorphins? I shoot out a kitchen chair and get up. Pang! The man who stood next to my head now jump up again and sits down with a thud! He has gained weight since last time. Really heavy, he has become. Type fatso! Baaah! Heavy, evil! I go straight to bed again. Hmmpf! "Go best dressed at the oscars aaaav, snääälla" I lie and rest until it lightens until he breaks. 30 minutes or 3 hours? We do not know. ... He refuses to answer ..!
Yes but sooo when I finally got rid of the stowaway from the head. (SEE FIGURE 1 FIGURE BELOW). Okay now we go! Straight road out and lace up shoes. Nothing in between that can disturb / break energy. Start walking towards the gym. (Normally, it takes 2 minutes?). Will there without best dressed at the oscars major complications, put the stuff in my locker, fill the water bottle and jump on a treadmill. Even here, the brain has shown his great dislike to the environment at the gym. People, loud music, noise from machinery etc etc. A few kicks he gives me, the man who stands up there on my head. I ignore! But it's hard to ignore a fatso who sits on your head! Right?
But then suddenly something happens! The music, the rhythm, the pulse, the will, the power, the energy! Aaaaah best dressed at the oscars huh wonderfully! Enjoying the fullest! Good Luck! Five, ten minutes max, I feel really good, is cruel spirited! But then, for every minute to pop it on another person in my head. (SEE FIGURE 3 IN IMAGE BELOW, HAHA). It gets slower and slower to move muscles. Harder and harder. More pain in the head. After a while the focus is required for raising the left foot and put on a step above the other. To the rear position when released documents get up toe / forefoot, to avoid the risk of tripping and falling. The more tired I get, the clearer my disabilities ... it is not visible. But it feels ..
Now I've gone 15 minutes on the treadmill. 15 min usually best dressed at the oscars works quite well / or very good. However, both today and when I tried it at the time beforehand so the limit has gone there. And then ... it becomes dangerous type? Motor function decreases at the same rate as fatigue increases. The ability to concentrate decreases, which, combined with the need to have more focus on ex foot movement, not so good. Five minutes (so total 20 min), I continue to go.
And walk home after having picked up things in the cupboard best dressed at the oscars afterwards takes three times as long as 30 minutes late when I went down to the gym. Same road, same Fia. But more passengers on the head ... Make both a headache and a pain to walk. Each step is a struggle.
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