Friday, September 20, 2013

Hi, thanks for quick reply. Michael refuses to take pictures of cyclists with a helmet. Yes it is q

It's been quite some time come to a lot of comments on how cyclists dress. Daily News has an editorial vented their hatred against us middle-aged men in lycra. Fredrik santiago arias Virtanen in politically correct beard has an editorial in Aftonbladet also delivered his dissatisfaction with cyclists. But what is more sad is that various bike blogs segregate cyclists. I mean when blogs like Copenhagen Cycle Chic and Put the fun between your legs.
These two blogs refuses categorically to shoot and view images on cyclists in cycle clothing. It should look a certain way to be involved, preferably wearing corduroy pants, flannel shirt, Palestinian scarf and kånkenryggsäck. But how much I'd like to ride in jeans or suit to work, I can not. I have three mil and there were not very fresh to get through sensible to work and do not shower and change. I think we cyclists santiago arias dress for that which we think is practical and stylish. When I lived in town I had two miles to work and it worked just fine to ride in costume. Now that I got three mil to work and bikes all year round is the only bike clothing that works. Same thing when I go skiing, then ski wear best. When I fly fishing is the waders that apply.
That's up to each one how they want to dress. I think cyclists in bike clothes santiago arias are super neat, but I also think that suits riders on fancy bikes are also neat. Why should we cyclists divide us. Is not it great with many different types of riders santiago arias and bikes, I think anyway i. I will not go into these blogs until they show pictures of all types of cyclists. Imagine if the rest of society argued in the same way - "you are not welcome here because you look like that." santiago arias It brings to mind the rather unpleasant historical events. santiago arias We may simply be cycling naked, all are happy. santiago arias
Good written. I think just like you that people need to dress according to their own head. If you want to ski in jeans so to get there, although it may be impractical. I place no value in it. However, you as an adult to guide their children, or as in my wife's santiago arias case, and even other people's children, for what is more or less useful for different pursuits. I like the last rider's attire, but had never cycled performing ski slope in Karlskoga so! Reply Delete
This was among the stupidest thing I've ever read. It is clear that you get to dress practically, santiago arias it's not like I said anything else. But expect the fuck not end up on the image of blogs that focus on imaging-dressed and fashion conscious trampare. It is exactly the same as upset about that fashion magazines do not have the pictures of workers in overalls. There is a place for practical and a place for the elegant. Reply Delete
"I think we cyclists dress ourselves for what we think is practical and stylish." No, I think many cyclists dress for a special code, in much the same way that bankers have a certain style that you can not violate. Michael and Elin's blog is not directed against "us cyclists," but to everyone who is not bikes. I think that is very positive. Cyclists are expected to have sporty clothing or specific visibility clothing (reflective) and others. I think that is a big problem. Not for those who already cycle, but for everyone else. You do not have to have special clothes santiago arias to go by bus or car, and then it's a problem if cyclists are expected to have it. Reply Delete
Hello! I do not really know the difference between dressing well and after a code, that's the same thing because in both cases probably think it's neat that you are wearing. I really like Elin's blog, Michael's santiago arias not as much. There is an exclusivity and exclusion of certain riders santiago arias in their blogs. Michael refuses to shoot the cyclists with a helmet. There is also a widespread disdain among some of us who cycle in lycra. I often get comments from hipsters from South type "buy a pair of real pants." I am of the opinion that the more bikes the better, and then no matter what you are wearing. I cycle like in costume to the bus stop 2 km away. But my 30 km to work I do not want to ride in anything but clothes designed for sun, wind, rain, wind and snow. And then it's cycle clothing works best. Delete
Hi, thanks for quick reply. Michael refuses to take pictures of cyclists with a helmet. Yes it is quite natural, since he addressed to those who already ride. They do not wear helmets. This leads of course to those who like helmets feel excluded. But you can turn it around: those who do not bike feels strange enough for all the equipment they expected to have. They see a dress code and an identity that they do not recognize themselves in. Practical clothing is excellent for those who like it, but most do not have 30 km to the job. In Sweden, half of the popula

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