Monday, September 30, 2013

Do not waste time Golden Globe, which yesterday evening hosted by Ricky Gervais in Los Angeles, con

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Home | Articles 2012 academy awards predictions | Dull Dull Golden Globe Golden Globe 16/01/12 - Sixty-ninth edition full of predictability: the winner The Descendants, The Artist, Clooney, Scorsese, Streep, Williams. 2012 academy awards predictions TV series: Homeland, Modern Family and Downton Abbey.
Do not waste time Golden Globe, which yesterday evening hosted by Ricky Gervais in Los Angeles, confirmation, never as in this edition, the odds of a prize voted exaltation of the stars, which allow the ratings and interest of the public in the evening. Otherwise, how can you justify the consecration of the Evergreen Madonna for best song of WE, which sees the pop icon also behind 2012 academy awards predictions the camera of stroncatissimo fictionalized biopic of the deal most talked-about of the twentieth century, namely that between the English monarch Edward VIII pluridivorziata and American divorcée Wallis Simpson? How do you justify the victory of the usual big names from the long and beloved 2012 academy awards predictions career as Scosese Martin, Jessica Lange, Meryl Streep, Laura Dern, Woody Allen? It may not be that we still do not manage to find their worthy heirs? But it is from the first ad, to the best supporting actor, that predictability and age is put in place: the veteran Christopher Plummer wins for Beginners independent comedy, an award that puts an end to years of total indifference to an interpreter breed that has now passed the eighty. 2012 academy awards predictions He continued on that path, the award of the evening both in film and television. There is no story for best film, the actress and the actor in the category of comedy / musical: Michelle Williams that would have undermined Charlize Theron, Kate Winslet, Jodie Foster and Kristen Wiig for her portrayal of Marilyn Monroe in My Week with Marilyn and the Frenchman Jean Dujardin would do the same with Gordon-Levitt, Gleeson, Gosling and Wilson knew before the nominations were announced 2012 academy awards predictions last month. As for The Artist was probably already know what some of the Cannes Film Festival. Ditto for the Best Foreign Language Film: A Separation by Asghar Farhadi, evidently favored since Berlin. In the drama, George Clooney fails as a producer, screenwriter and director of The Ides of March, but together with the film triumphs as an actor that he is the protagonist: The Descendants, fatigue much more experienced colleague Alexander Payne. To stay in the tradition, could not miss Meryl Streep that probably exceeds any retention after this eighth consecration for the hagiographic portrait of Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady, a film anachronistic when you consider the historical period in which we live and which has been a source boycott in cinemas in the north of England. Octavia Spencer is extraordinary actress for The Help. The television as equally predictable in its confirmations proves Solomonic in its distribution between 2012 academy awards predictions the network and the various products giving victories, however, correct: the consecrated best drama series en try it w Homeland, Showtime's 2012 academy awards predictions U.S. version license plate of a series focused on an Israeli agent CIA who believes that an ex-prisoner of Al-Qaeda is part of a terrorist sleeper cell. Podium also its protagonist Claire Danes. After years of the end of Frasier, Boss, series of Starz! centered on a fictional mayor of Chicago, marks the comeback of the old glories of Kelsey Grammer. Game of Thrones expensive reproduction of fantasy novels by George RR Martin has to settle for only award to actor Peter Dinklage in a supporting role, while Jessica Lange is the fifth Golden Globe of his long and distinguished career, thanks to the character of the shrew Constance, the hit of plays FX American 2012 academy awards predictions Horror Story. In side miniseries / tv movies are the British to lay down the law, and rightly so, are in fact repeated by almost all the victories of the Emmy giving 2012 academy awards predictions the two favorites Downton Abbey and Mildred Pierce, respectively the award for best miniseries and one on his protagonist Kate Winslet. The victory of Downton Abbey, broadcast by PBS in the United States, takes off this year's award to HBO in this category - last year had indeed won the trophy the miniseries French director Olivier Assayas, Carlos, distributed by Sundance Channel. The equally britannicissimo Idris

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