Friday, January 3, 2014

Artan Teqiu: Since it is difficult best dressed men 2011 to choose a single project, owe more to me

The talented actor, and screenwriter produenti Telqiu Artan has succeeded in theater and film during his artistic career in New York. Artan Telqiu best dressed men 2011 originating from Dibra, Macedonia, moved to New York after the war in Kosovo in 1999.
"Regardless of the project work, the experience differs from each other. This is one of the things that I like most in this area. In every project best dressed men 2011 meeting people who have the same ambitions best dressed men 2011 and inspirata to cooperate and create a special art. So it was in this movie, Made in America which play the key role, "said Artan Telqiu.Artani talented actor has played in several movies in the lead role. Also appeared in "Anti-Bullying" best dressed men 2011 PSA in 2011, a campaign against violence and harassment organized by Daniel Azariah, with the support best dressed men 2011 of Perez Hilton. And appeared quite successful series "Monsters Inside Me" (2011) that appeared in the popular television channel Animal Planet.
"Ilir Bushati is the character that I play in the film. Coming from a country with a tradition and popular culture from me, which makes it easier adoption of this character. Calls himself "man of the house", the one who will bring food to the family. He is a good man in a foreign country, that fate brings in bad situations, "explains Artan.
Now Artan Telqiu is collaborating with Theodor Petelov on a script for a show with the theme and works Balkan theater company in New York "The Whitelisted Theatre Company" as producer and director of development. (Http://
Artan Teqiu: Since it is difficult best dressed men 2011 to choose a single project, owe more to mention. I will start with the last play, "Belgrade Trilogy" by The Whitelisted Theatre Company, which will not ever haroj. We were and are a group of independent artists. I realized all his belongings. Tests on cold winter nights, the promotion of the show, the construction of the podium, stage movement Amongst the many other acts. Above all showed best dressed men 2011 a perfect performance.
Always accept compliments after the show by the public. There is no better reward from it. It should be mentioned that the success belongs to the director, without his guidance drama would not have much positive response. Thank you Mr. Diego Villada!
Another project is the film MINE. We spent long nights in the home team's director of numerous rehearsing before filming. Director Nick Martino, wanted everything to be original and therefore most of the scenes were filmed in marshes best dressed men 2011 and rivers. Went up the tree to crowned, clothed the original uniforms of Vietnam, fought mosquitoes and confronted with frequent rainfall.
There should lun sideways excellent best dressed men 2011 director, Logan Fulton, believe me cilli leading role in his film American civil war "A Walk With Death". This project is also filmed in the original environment interaction in the cold days of New York. I want to emphasize that the weapons and uniforms were original. With director Logan are back together in a zombie serial based on the popular PlayStation game, "The Last of Us". best dressed men 2011
Haroj not even "Hotel Pennsylvania", which was one of my experiences the best! Watching a professional group working with the dedication and by treating everyone equally is something that will always remain in my memory. Such experiences make man better without your awareness. Director Marc Wilkins is simply perfect!
Also excellent film by director Malik Isasis, "The Elegant Clockwork of the Universe", where I play the role of the main character loved. I'm sure that will not be the only one to say that working with Malik is unforgettable experience. A man with many talents and the holy spirit, which even in the most difficult days stayed calm and positive.
In the last project for National Geographic titled "Inside best dressed men 2011 the American Mob" I have the role of a mobster on Wall Street. It was a special experience with a more perfect team. I look forward to broadcasting my part. I would like to mention all the projects since each has its own characteristics, but will finish with so leave time for other questions.
Artan Teqiu: Of course they do. Especially in the beginning because I had made a very long pause towards acting. Whenever I went to audition entire body trembled. It was a terrible experience. However, I have learned to dispel the fear that there was nothing to fear. Film team wants and needs you. Given this and the fact that you should not do anything best dressed men 2011 except what you tell yourself just as you are, immediately gaining confidence, and that is all that is needed. Go to audition, introduced to themselves, and all haroi after this finished.
Artan Teqiu: First read the script with no character in mind. I understand that in the beginning where

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