Monday, March 3, 2014

Best Car: Dodge Charger emmy nominations 2011 - Fast and Furious 5 Chevrolet Chevelle - Drive Bumbl

"Oscar" 2012 - the winners |
Most magnificent evening in the cinema each year is that of giving away anualnite emmy nominations 2011 Film Academy Awards - evening filled with excitement, intrigue, high hopes, poorly disguised hypocrisy and quality boredom. emmy nominations 2011 Last night the 84th consecutive ceremony down in history and gilded statues being stowed in plastic bags radiant winners sincerely believe that this award was given to them because they play well. Dominant forms of life were expected "The Artist" and "Hugo", which gathered most of the major categories and this result shows two things - that Hollywood has been so bad from the movies, so he had to reward the French ones and that Martin Scorsese should emmy nominations 2011 focus to children's theater.
We all know Academics consist of a horde of elderly white men and their knowledge of worthwhile emmy nominations 2011 movies are a bit larger than mine - namely zero, so was last year's fiasco with Anne Hathaway and James Franco - to win the "young" viewers. This year we return to the roots of boredom, and who better knows how bored multimillion audience, if not fucking old William Kristol and for a ninth time. I do not want to grubiyanstvuvam but vision Crystal is like a little old lady makeup, and every time his face contorted in that its a smile, my bowels are of balls. I have no idea whether William was original, what has played jokes and if anyone heard him speak, as during the live broadcast sleep - not because I was very tired, but simply emmy nominations 2011 because I prefer every nightmare before watching this mug Billy Crystal at 02:00 in the morning. As you well know, the original host was selected Edward emmy nominations 2011 Murphy / actor with the most nominations for Razzie until this year / but because of blatant gaffe producer Brett Ratner, the negro refused participation, which ironically "blacken" the upcoming ceremony in the bud. To return atentsiyata the audience followed media trick unacceptance Sasha Baron Cohen plays a dictator who was flagrantly despicable and proved once again how far they fall organizers in a desperate attempt for attention. I have not seen the whole record, but I'm sure that even the ceremony of the Independent Spirit Awards last night was at times more interesting, not only because noticeably lighter atmosphere / which contributes emmy nominations 2011 to the fact that the podium allowed terms " fuck "and" dick "/, but also because of the fact that even the pig with human features Seth Rogen is funny host Billy Crystal.
Anyway, I'm sick to speak for awards expected to lower interest even prize of MTV, so let's not go straight to the heart - namely winners. But since even reading them this morning, I felt as if my eyelids slightly closed themselves into well-deserved nap, I decided to eclectic with several authors and informal categories that are not naturally part of the list of the Academy, but maybe I should become. I will not show you who they are, because I believe that you will find them yourself if you have zabelezhki will share them, and I will ignore them. So lucky of 84 Oscars tion are:
Best Director: Michel Hazanavicius - The Artist Alexander Payne - The Descendants Martin Scorsese - Hugo Woody Allen - Midnight in Paris Terrence Malick - The Tree of Life
Best Actor in a Leading Role: Demián Bichir - A Better Life George Clooney emmy nominations 2011 - The Descendants Jean Dujardin - The Artist Gary Oldman emmy nominations 2011 - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Brad Pitt - Moneyball
Best Actress in a Leading Role: Glenn Close - Albert Nobbs Viola Davis - The Help Rooney Mara - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo emmy nominations 2011 Meryl Streep - The Iron Lady Michelle Williams - My Week with Marilyn
Best actor in a supporting role: Kenneth Branagh - My Week with Marilyn Jonah Hill - Moneyball Nick Nolte - Warrior Christopher Plummer - Beginners Max von Sydow - Extremely emmy nominations 2011 Loud & Incredibly Close
Best actress in a supporting role: Bérénice Bejo - The Artist Jessica Chastain - The Help Melissa emmy nominations 2011 McCarthy - Bridesmaids Janet McTeer - Albert Nobbs Octavia Spencer - The Help
Best Car: Dodge Charger emmy nominations 2011 - Fast and Furious 5 Chevrolet Chevelle - Drive Bumblebee - Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon Black Beauty - Green Hornet BMW i8 - Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
Best rape: Rooney emmy nominations 2011 Mara - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Elisabeth Olsen - Martha Marcy May Marlene Kate Bosworth - Straw Dogs Lucas Pittaway - Snowtown Murders Emily Browning - Sleeping Beauty
Best Cinematography: emmy nominations 2011 Guillaume Schiffman - The Artist Jeff Cronenweth - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Robert Richardson - Hugo Emmanuel Lubezki - The Tree of Life Janusz Kaminski - War Horse
Best Music: John Williams - The Adventures of Tintin Ludo

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