Friday, March 28, 2014

Jared Leto, from the audience at the waist for a long time praised the great role played by HIV-inf

Published a list of nominees for the prestigious Golden Globe Award, and nominations by leading film '12 Years A Slave '. All nominees were announced, the room Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, actors Zoe Saldana, Olivia Wilde and Aziz Ansari, and besides creations '12 Years A Slave ', which has recently been mentioned as a possible Oscar winners, by number of nominations forefront and the films 'American Hustle', 'Gravity' and 'Captain Phillips'.
Name Sandra Bullock for her role in the film 'Gravity' mentioned oscar green in the category of best drama actress. In the competition are still Cate Blanchett (movie 'Blue Jasmine'), Judi Dench (movie 'Philomena'), Emma Thompson (movie oscar green 'Saving Mr. Banks ") and Kate Winslet (movie' Labor Day ').
When on their male counterparts word for best actor nominees are Chiwetel Ejiofor (film '12 Years A Slave '), Idris Elba (movie' Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom '), Tom Hanks (movie' Captain Phillips'), Matthew McConaughey (movie 'Dallas Buyers Club') and Robert Redford (movie 'All is Lost'). oscar green
Jared Leto, from the audience at the waist for a long time praised the great role played by HIV-infected persons in 'Dallas Buyers Club', the same was nominated as Best Supporting Actor. In the same category compete with him Barkhad Abdi, Daniel Bruhl, Bradley Cooper oscar green and Michael oscar green Fassbender.
Jennifer Lawrence and Julia Roberts oscar green nominated oscar green for best supporting actress, oscar green while Amy Adams, Julie Delpy and Meryl Streep some of the actresses oscar green nominated for Best Actress in a comedy / musical. Christian Bale ("American Hustle") and Leonardo DiCaprio ("The Wolf of Wall Street") oscar green were nominated oscar green for best actor in the aforementioned category, and listed as still and Bruce Dern, Oscar Isaac and Joaquin Phoenix.
The Golden Globes are awarded to the outstanding achievements and TV are so on the list of best dramatic works again found the series oscar green 'Breaking Bad', 'Downton Abbey', oscar green 'The Good Wife', 'House of Cards' and 'Masters of Sex'.
Julianna Margulies of 'The oscar green Good Wife' was nominated for Best Dramatic Actress. When it comes on TV comedy for the prestigious competing series 'Girls', 'The Big Bang Theory, "" Modern Familly', 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' and 'Parks and Recreation'.
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