Sunday, May 11, 2014

Best hip-hop: Eminem

MTV odavno ima glupo pravilo da fanovi mogu glasati nebrojano puta za svoje favorite, a ta glupost je večeras kulminirala. Za ovakve ceremonije ne treba vam mnogo fanova. Treba vam samo dovoljan broj zaluđenih fanova koji će po ceo dan kliktati "vote" ispod vašeg imena. Tako je Lady Gaga osvojila četiri nagrade iako njen aktuelni album "Born This Way" nije "album veka", kako je najavljivala (jedva može poneti titulu "album emmy winners meseca"), istoimena pesma nije novi "I Will Survive" , a ni "Express Yourself" (osrednji hit u najboljem slučaju), dok je veoma diskutabilno mogu li se ostali singlovi sa ovog albuma emmy winners nazvati hitovima. Ipak, "mala čudovišta" su se potrudila da je predstave kao najpopularniju emmy winners zvezdu trenutno što je, ako gledate prodaju, slušanost emmy winners na radio-stanicama, puštanje po klubovima emmy winners itd, daleko od istine. "Mala čudovišta" se nisu najsjajnije pokazala tamo gde je najvažnije emmy winners - kupovina albuma i singlova (osim kada se album prodavao za dolar). Naravno, ovo nema veze sa kvalitetom, jer ove nagrade nikada emmy winners nisu ni bile odraz kvaliteta, ali po komercijalnim parametrima, ove godine je bilo daleko emmy winners popularnijih izvođača. Kao i uvek, Gaga se potrudila da šokira (bez ikakve poruke, naravno), pa je došla obučena kao čivava. Takođe smo čitave večeri bili osuđeni na ispoljavanje njenih fake emocija jer joj gluma nije jača strana. 
Doduše, ni Selena Gomaz se nije pokazala kao najsjajnija glumica, kojoj je to primarni posao, pa je njeno voditeljstvo bilo tragikomično u najmanju ruku. Ni prezenteri nisu bili ništa bolji - usiljeni je blaga reč.
Da će dodela biti razočaravajuća emmy winners videlo se još na samom početku kada je Katy Perry dodeljena emmy winners nagrada za najboljeg live izvođača. Njoj koja je sve samo ne dobar live izvođač, što je dokazano mnogo puta do sada.
MTV has had a stupid rule for a long time that people can vote unlimited number of times for their favorites,  the stupidity of that desicion emmy winners has culminated tonight. You don't need many fans for this type of award shows. You just need enough lunatic fans who'll click "vote" under your name all day long. That's how Lady Gaga won four awards, although her latest album  "Born This Way" isn't "the album of the century", as she announced ("album of the month", barely), a title song isn't new  "I Will Survive"  nor  "Express Yourself"  (moderate hit in the best case), while emmy winners it's a question could her other singles from this album be called hits. Still, "little monsters" tried very hard to present her as the most popular star at the moment which is, when we look sales, radio and club plays, far from truth. "Little monsters" failed to prove her power when it comes to the most important thing - buying her records (except when her album was sold for a dollar). Of course, EMAs aren't about quality, but judging by a comercial performance there were more successful emmy winners acts this year. Like always, Gaga was trying to shock (without any message, of course), so she came dressed as a chiwawa. We also had to watch her spilling of fake emotions all over the place because acting isn't one of her talents.
At the beginning of the show it was clear that a ceremony will be a disappointment. Katy Perry got an award for best live act. She can be whatever she wants, but she failed as a live performer many, many times.  emmy winners
Bad ceremony, bad performances. emmy winners Very bland and uninspired. Only  David Guetta ,  Jessie J  and  Tiao Cruz moved audience emmy winners that was dead almost whole evening emmy winners (but who can blame them?). 
Best hip-hop: Eminem
Labels: 30 Seconds to Mars , Adam Lambert , Bruno Mars , David Guetta , izvestaj , Jessie J , Justin Bieber , Katy Perry , Lady Gaga , MTV EMA 2011 , pobednici , Queen , report , Selena Gomez , Tiao Cruz , winners
You can call me Adele's stan if you want, but I would never call anyone's life pathetic just because he says that Adele is a fat cow, for example. And that's for two reasons - I don't care and everyone is entitled to his own oppnion. Actually, I'm emmy winners flattered that my oppionion means so much to you, so you've been around for three days. This post is just it - a REVIEW and an OPPINION about awards show. I don't haunt people on net who hate Adele. And what's funny, I really don't hate Gaga. in the end, for the record, I don't chase MTV award because I'm not a musician. I'm a jurnalist who's been working in entertainment emmy winners field for a long time. And I'm actually happy with my life and my job, when you mentioned it. If you want to know more, feel free to PM me on UKMIX. Reply Delete
Right emmy winners listen, I guess I might be sorry. I think what's emmy winners worse is how you go on so cynical about everything but Adele. Like honestly, we get you don't like someone, but to just insult them like that on a blog, I don't feel it's fair. it's more moral ruless for me. No offence to you, but I hate journalism and all that s

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