Thursday, May 8, 2014

They even know no longer have as great leaders of the late Tan Sri Azizan Abdul Razak, who have the

Indeed, in terms of democracy, there is nothing wrong with defending the pass seat contested the Legislative Assembly (DUN) Orange River in the election on November 4, the seats furthermore supposedly is their stronghold.
But let's intention to compete is made on the intention to champion the people and bring prosperity to them. However, in the fifth day of election campaign appears to Pass contested solely for political purposes.
They even know no longer have as great leaders of the late Tan Sri Azizan Abdul Razak, who have their own strengths to attract people back pass and undoubtedly Kedah Pas leaders also know who caused the late only lasted only one term as chief minister.
But PAS wanted to capture the seat Orange River. They will perform 'political drivel' to make promises mtv ema s 2011 that they themselves were not able to understand cashed and practice 'political cans' by attacking the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) as if they are the best in the land of God.
BN man entered the ring at Lime Creek Assembly is not simply to strengthen their power, the BN is not in a position requiring the seat to stay in power but the intent BN under the leadership of Datuk Mukhriz Tun Mahathir won only one of Orange River population to be equally current well-being through the development to be carried out.
For BN, the time has come plight of Lime Creek sincerely defended irrespective of political affiliation they hold. BN can only let DUN Orange River under the BN Pass and it can allow only the people of the area continue to be fooled by political games Pass.
But BN is a responsible party and want to implement a trust for the welfare of the people mtv ema s 2011 which is why BN is willing mtv ema s 2011 to fight in the constituency Orange River. BN can not let people just observers Orange River currents that hit other areas of development. Furthermore, the majority of the population is Malay and Muslim.
BN wants to make sure the group advocated mtv ema s 2011 and benefited either by physical or spiritual development. That is why BN can not continue to allow residents Lime Creek fooled by political games Pass.
Pass argues, first, to state the addition of BN seat in Orange River will not change the administrative status of the party, otherwise BN will cause the party to be arrogant, second, they want to retain the seat because he wants to be a watchdog on the government for the betterment of the people.
Third, if the Orange River is in the hands of the opposition, the BN as the government would try to take it away for General Election-14, then people will get various favors development work done by the government in an effort to win the hearts of the people. Fourth, the victory will send a message to pass the BN government in the center so do not simply make decisions for their supposedly harming people and fifth, UMNO was given a state, it is extremely desirable Orange River (just a DUN) is given to the party.
All these reasons prove, Pass not have any agenda that seeks the welfare of the people rather it is purely politically motivated. Indeed, the results in Orange River would not change the status of the state government, but what does this mean just want to let people pass Orange River is in a position now to be left behind in terms of development?
What Islam teaches us to be in such a situation? Passes may be true that the state government watchdog whereas what we see over the years not only in Orissa but also nationwide, and opposition Pass was always looking for an excuse to smear the BN government. Despite what the BN for the good of the people, Pass and will distort the opposition's mtv ema s 2011 efforts to gain political support.
Already in the election campaign in Orange River, they hurl accusations of state government without studying what they claim is true or not, whether this monitoring is required in Islam?
Reason if going into Lime Creek Pass will allow people mtv ema s 2011 to enjoy development because BN will try to take it away in the next general election is very superficial argument. This proves mtv ema s 2011 Pass unable to do anything but recognize the BN's mtv ema s 2011 ability to implement development but will eventually pass of 'cow cow's milk can have the name' with acclaimed BN what to do is the result of stress and pressure them.
When the state wants to make the winning pass in the Orange River as a message to the government of BN

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