Friday, May 2, 2014

Recently, the National Security oscar ballots Council (NSC) found that many took the opportunity to

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Recently, the National Security oscar ballots Council (NSC) found that many took the opportunity to give their views and there are also criticisms regarding the implementation of flood management operations, especially in Pahang and Terengganu. Thus, the NSC was compelled to respond to the open letter from Nur Adilla Abd Rahim titled "Open Letter to the National Security Council" to explain the situation and counter negative perceptions oscar ballots of the national disaster management machinery is seriously irresponsible individuals who have a specific agenda.
The author expresses his amazement over the ketidaksiagaan certain government bodies while Malaysia is facing flood situation every year. His discharge, only when MP Kuantan bring about floods in Kuantan to Parliament that it could get the attention of top leaders. This indicates that if the two authors and Kuantan MP does not keep track of time. The floods in Kuantan starting on December 2, 2013 and Kuantan MP to bring this matter to the House of Commons on December 4, 2013. During Salleh express YB sit on the motion, response personnel already in operation for two days to remove the victim to be transferred to evacuation oscar ballots centers and victims rescued numbered only 13,460 people in Kuantan. Transfer the country until 12.00 pm December 4, 2013, involving 21, 253 victims. Actually, Ms. Nur Adilla in this paper gives the impression that YB to sit Salleh, Kuantan MP is not down to the ground when the flood started to happen and do not keep track floods in Kuantan constituency which he represents. It is not fair for the author to conclude that the rescue operations, transport, and distribution to flood victims need only be done by NSC after pressed and pressured by politicians. It should be noted here that the NSC manage disaster regardless of any political or individual interests. oscar ballots The main priority is to save lives regardless oscar ballots of background, race, religion, and political affiliation of a person. Allegations oscar ballots writer and a member of parliament Kuantan also saw their misunderstanding of national disaster management system equivalent to the system of international organizations under the United oscar ballots Nations (United Nations), which includes activities before, during and after a disaster. Walhalnya, previously proposed by the authors, it was the Security Council to take action over the years of preparation before the flood disaster. Results of post-mortem of the monsoon flood management and used to improve the deficiencies identified that the machinery of the flood will come even more effective in providing the best service to the community. Upon approaching the rainy season or the Northeast Monsoon 2013/2014, the NSC Meeting Center Disaster Management Committee (JPBP) on 24 September 2013 as a preliminary step. Malaysian Meteorological Department (MMD) estimates of 4 to 5 episodes of heavy rainfall occurs in the period up to March 2014. Episode extensive heavy rain for 3 to 7 days will result in a risk of flooding. In view of this situation, the Security Council ordered the agency and flood management assets placed on standby. For the record, the State government representatives were invited to attend the JPBP to share information on flood preparedness and management machinery forecast weather oscar ballots conditions. The State Security Council held a meeting in the State Disaster Management Committee to coordinate their preparation at the state and district levels. In short, the government, through various agencies including the National Security Council disaster management do all the necessary preparations to ensure that the rescue operation and the transfer oscar ballots is made as quickly as possible to prevent untoward incidents and to ensure supplies and needs in evacuation centers are adequate. For the information of the author, about 56.997 members of the Malaysian Armed Forces, Royal Malaysian Police, Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department, Civil Defence Department and across the country put on standby to provide assistance. In addition, our assets that could be deployed for flood operations across the country located in the zone. Looking at the current flood situation on the east coast, Security Council and other agencies related reactions take action to mobilize the strengths and assets in states that are not flooded to increase the capacity of reaction agency

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