Friday, August 15, 2014

Achilles spirit appears asking to be avenged. a young West is sacrificed. and she, to astianax, slo

convince myself again that Bucharest is a beautiful city. No wonder they call it as it is called. I feel a little alarmed. few people known. Some of them I've only seen on television or in magazines. Gavrila Cristiana mtv emas 2011 When I admitted I enjoyed enormously. I walked into the lobby at the time the shot Odeon Theatre Andrei Serban Georgescu stood up on a phony tomb and announced the opening of the 23rd edition of the national theater. after a short speech on the wardrobe we let our bags and jackets as director urged us:
set of slides slightly to the entrance, which is different than the usual. mtv emas 2011 three Greek soldiers leads us to take a coridoraş stîmt swallows us and throws us into a black square. thirsty crowd miracle.
from one corner of the square appear toienele accompanied by soldiers. about 25 women and 20 men, making their way through the crowd, or rather mtv emas 2011 witnesses. Drums, flutes, extraordinary mtv emas 2011 voices of actors at work in Iasi, laments. Andrei Serban announced that this sepctacol we had the good fortune to use original music composed by Swad liz, who is a self-sufficient performance. column is set in another area. all the action takes place on stage. up on a wooden platform mtv emas 2011 (1) we open the image fiecele mtv emas 2011 Hecuba with her and all the women of Troy, lamented the intuiting fate awaits. they are mined in public by soldiers to another platform (2) where Hecuba mtv emas 2011 laments the fate of Troy and his sons fallen on the battlefield. on another platform (3) Cassandra delirious, prophesying horrors mtv emas 2011 awaiting them women. space is still playing. no centimeter is left aside. astianax Trojan is the only man left alive, the hope of a renaissance, a new king. the soldiers break from women and it carries a huge wooden cage among the witnesses. a platrofmă (4), Andromache laments. grieving his son's head washed with water before death. screaming, singing, screaming, mtv emas 2011 groaning. the rock (3) it throws away.
Elena flirts easily with Greek soldier-n (1). is bundled into a mobile mtv emas 2011 trolley and carried with us. soldiers love, a love, but anger Hecuba caught up. Trojan girl me aside and get in the trolley to avenge the country. mtv emas 2011 drifts a hit, a plunder Elena. a brush with clay, buries in beats. 's scalp. Bald, the bleeding. beast that violate terrifies you. soldiers brandish carts hitting me. I want to pay it back, but I witnesses rushed to cart. catch the eye of Greece. are troubled. is worn on one platform to another, humiliating her. platform is the platform last fatal. beheaded. I do not understand where I am and where his Trojan. soldier sings my neck. all are at war.
curtain rises, and somewhere in the balcony two, three candles burning. easy, all lights illuminate the bridge and balconies. distinguish mtv emas 2011 four children dressed in white sing. soldiers guide viewers to the room accompanied by the voices of the chanters. they are everywhere. after everyone was done more or less comfortable, start Part II of the show.
stage is the platform (2) related to another platform tilted. Two soldiers brought the body of Alui neîsufleţit astianax, it slowly slipped from the platform mtv emas 2011 tilted stage. witness the burial of the child. body wrapped in a white cloth worn by soldiers and taken toiene. all the action is accompanied by flute and choir wailing women. Then flute disappears and comes in proscenium a man with a violin bow and a saw. A sound of wailing, the ... .we know. is phenomenal. absolutely mtv emas 2011 all sonorăr column is phenomenal. 's soul is the body's life.
Achilles spirit appears asking to be avenged. a young West is sacrificed. and she, to astianax, sloping platform that slides into a dance. like is carried by waves or wind. is easy floats. an extraordinary image.
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