Friday, March 20, 2015


Didi will be the special trofeu envoy and will cover directly from VMA and Penelope, Thunderbird and Jana Rosa will comment live in the studios of MTV Brazil - Photo: Kelly Fuzaro / MTV Next Sunday, 28/08, MTV will broadcast to Brazil Live the 2011 VMAs, directly from Los Angeles, California, from 21h. The prize starts at 22h.
Besides knowing the big winners of the 28th. edition of the MTV Video Music Awards, the audience will also give great performances with two firsts in the VMA stage: a British singer and songwriter Adele and the American band Young The Giant. The stars of Hip-Hop and R & B, Lil Wayne and Chris Brown are also confirmed with their performances!
And this year MTV Brazil will take news of the award, as Didi will be in Los Angeles just watching everything that happens there! He will arrive on the 25th to record the assembly, testing and interview the competitors and the great stars of the night. On the award, VJ will be on the red carpet trofeu and then will watch the show and tell all via twitter hashtag in #didinovma.
Here in the studios of MTV Brazil, the transmission starts at 21h, live, direct from the red carpet with presentation of Penelope and Thunderbird, with comments by Jana Rosa and from 22h, Thunder and Penelope have the live broadcast of the 2011 VMAs, always connected in Didi tweets.
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