Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Kanye West is genius !! What he did, consecrated Taylor forever after that she turned the US darlin

If you are a person tune, has a twitter (follow me there!) And / or accompanying music blogs or pop culture, should probably have heard of the bullshit that the rapper Kanye West made the Video Music Awards '09 to intrometer- in the Taylor Swift acceptance speech for winning the best female video award, even without watching the live program. = P
The worst is that the singer Taylor Swift, who is very fluffy by the way, had just won the first astronaut (MTV award) of your life. That is, should mtv emas 2011 be bubbling with excitement, after all, even if however insignificant you think the prize is, it is always nice to have your work recognized by the crowd somehow. =)
I know that while she thanked the fact that he won the award, all happily, Kanye West decided to appear, stormed the stage, took the microphone mtv emas 2011 from hand fofuxa Taylor mtv emas 2011 Swift and spoke as follows: "Yo Taylor, I'm really happy for you, I'll let you finish ... but Beyoncé has one of the best videos of all time ". And with a very incredulous look of Beyoncé, amid a mixture of applause that soon became mtv emas 2011 boos, the guy just left the stage, leaving the poor Taylor Swift all bewildered on stage, which was soon cheered by all present yet Kanye simply destroyed a moment of pure joy of a young and talented singer only to appear. = /
The fact is that after the gaffe, thousands of people tweeted about the subject (the poor Twitter to shot him at the time), including several celebrities who were present at the awards of local as Katy Perry, Pink and company. But not only, to US President Barack Obama criticized the face attitude, calling it "Jackass"! Now that's who is president mouthed! = D
I know that after all this bullshit, the awards usually unfolded as expected, he did not give more faces (it was probably thrown out) and Beyonce ended up winning, later, the grand prize of the night is the Best Video of the Year . But it was not the best, Beyoncé proved beyond talented, beautiful and sexy is also super friendly, to draw Taylor Swift on stage to make his acceptance speech, this time without any crazy to mess! Palms Beyoncé! = D
You can watch the video of the moment that Kanye West invades the stage through a workaround for the link above, since the MTV Brazil has not yet posted the video on its website (#FAIL) and the gringa MTV is outdated and restricts we Brazilians can watch the video usually that so far has had more than 3 million views on the gringa MTV site. = O
Ah! And by the way it will still yield enough, Kanye West was an asshole but at least realized that was wrong and ugly to make that attitude then and apologized hours after the awards on his blog, saying that he even apologize to the mother's singer. But not only he was also the Jay Leno show where, once again apologized for his attitude. At least that, right? =)
And you? What do you think of all this? Just leave your comment mtv emas 2011 here in PortalCab. I now this. Ah! And if you really want is to have fun, also made a post with photos of hot chicks celebrities who showed up at the MTV VMA '09. So good fun and see you soon! = D
PS: Yo, Beyoncé fans, I do not misunderstand, I'm a big fan of the singer as a person, especially after the MTV awards show this year, but Single Ladies is definitely one of the worst videos I've ever seen in my life. Yeah, she dances to c * r # $ lh in the video and the music is very addictive, but it just comes down to, is not it ?! = P
Kanye West is genius !! What he did, consecrated Taylor forever after that she turned the US darling, "her poor thing, that idiot ..." And she knows it, even clothing Kanye's clothing line she ever used after that.
Look, the West is an idiot and should be boco u who wrote that Taylor is bocozinha (which it is not) and that as Samy is a person who does not entede music, if you do not do not like to not even there but speak bad. Taylor is the best country music singer / pop. And West u are an idiot and Beyonce vc is cooler than I thought!
If I remember correctly is not the first time something like this happens mtv emas 2011 at an awards because once one of the members of the Beastie Boys interrupted the speech of the winners (I think it was REM) angry at the result, since the Beastie Boys were the favorites to take the best music video award, but were defeated.
On the case of Kanye West, have to say that his attitude was at least stupid, and what makes me most angry was that he just broke the beautiful Taylor Swift (this is to get married!). I do not know what went through the head of the West to make such a idiot

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