Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Forming a deep connection with developing artists Doyle hopes to accomplish in the coming years wit

The relationship between the pop group and the veteran entertainment company began in mid-January this year, when Fifth Harmony was included in the artist oscar 2011 winners list to become MTV's eye on the list in 2014, alongside Echosmith, Jhene Aiko and Bastille.
Since then, Fifth Harmony received invaluable exposure oscar 2011 winners list arising from the artist to keep an eye on MTV, including a musical debut on MTV.com, a live performance at the VMAs pre-show and a cameo in the romantic comedy MTV Faking It, the Tuesday air (October 28) at 10:30.
The large coverage that was given to Fifth Harmony - which recently ranked fifth in 21 under21 the Billboard - a significant boost ahead of their debut album, Reflection, scheduled for release on December 16 on Epic Records.
"MTV is our best friend and we love them," Camila Cabello told Billboard. "They gave us a huge platform that extends oscar 2011 winners list beyond our fan base and we had before the artist to keep an eye."
MTV has worked so closely oscar 2011 winners list with the pop quintet in 2014 that "might oscar 2011 winners list well have become an honorary member oscar 2011 winners list of the MTV team," laughs Amy Doyle, executive oscar 2011 winners list vice president of music and talent strategy for MTV programming. "They oscar 2011 winners list are comfortable doing it."
Forming a deep connection with developing artists Doyle hopes to accomplish in the coming years with the campaign of the artist to keep an eye, which was launched in 2013 with the aim of introducing music fans to new acts.
"Our goal Artist category to keep an eye is to make a direct connection between artist and fan, and give them a more intimate connection than just hear them on the radio or watch a video," she tells Billboard. "The goal is to introduce an artist in a way that makes them more three-dimensional."
Artist to Watch (formerly Best New Artist) is also the name of a voting category at the VMAs. Fifth Harmony won the Moonman in the category this year, beating Sam Smith, 5 seconds to summer, Charli XCX and Schoolboy Q.
The year before the VMAs, the campaign artist to keep an eye highlighted 26 new acts through television oscar 2011 winners list MTV, online and social oscar 2011 winners list media platforms. Every two weeks, the company had exclusive content acts to expand, including live performances, interviews, video rotation and music placement in TV shows.
"We set up a three-hour session with each artist to watch, and in that time we were capturing live performance and interviews," says Doyle, who was featured in the 2013 Billboard Women in Music list. "What we do with this great content is to create oscar 2011 winners list different pieces for different platforms, so it can not be a video of 15 seconds on Instagram or a complete live performance on TV and online."
Fifth Harmony has seen the positive results firsthand. The premiere July of his single "Bo $$" on MTV.com resulted in more than 669,000 streams oscar 2011 winners list - one of the biggest debuts in MTV history. The following month, the group presented "Bo $$" in the pre-show VMAs, which helped increase sales by 16 percent compared to the previous week, according oscar 2011 winners list to Nielsen SoundScan. Twitter following the act also increased 112 percent after the performance at the VMAs, MTV says.
"At the airport, people who are not necessarily oscar 2011 winners list our big fans come in and say, 'Oh, wait a second, you are not part of the group of girls that showed up at the VMAs?'" Says Cabello. "There were a lot of people watching this, and we have a lot of feedback from them."
Fifth Harmony will also benefit from its appearance oscar 2011 winners list in Faking It, which was an average of 1.2 million oscar 2011 winners list viewers this season, according to Nielsen. During the episode, the quintet debut as guests in a group of girls who cover boy band songs, singing a remixed version of New Kids on the Block 1989 hit "You Got It (The Right Stuff)".
Cabello says the group had to learn the choreography of the original NKOTB video in just 30 minutes before recording. "We had made our own dance before, but then I thought I probably oscar 2011 winners list should do the classic dance moves," she says, noting that Fifth Harmony and NKOTB are both tested by Janelle Lopez. "It seems very easy, but it is actually oscar 2011 winners list very difficult."
MTV is also planning a "big bang live" on release date December 16, Reflection, says Doyle. "We oscar 2011 winners list are still developing the creative and details around it, but we're looking to do something really big, too high and definitely live."
So far, Fifth Harmony was not tired of Work

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