Tom Cruise announces that The Artist wins Best Picture. It is only the second time in the history oscar nominations 2010 of the price that the Oscar goes to a silent film. The first was Wings, the first ceremony in 1928. Since color was introduced, won only two black and white films, Schindler's List in 1993 and now The Artist.
Of the ten nominations, the film thus half silvered. Producer Thomas Langmann recalls the director Claude Berry. "I hoped ever to collaborate. Agrees with such a director I've found in Michel Hazanavicius."
The director coast Langmann, and thereby accidentally about Oscar, and Hazanavicius suddenly with two awards in his capable hands. He gives a quick one back. "I want to say something to my children. It is now six hours in Paris, so you must work quickly to bed." He also thanked his wife, Berenice Bejo, who today won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. "You were my inspiration."
Colin Firth also take the time to compliment each of the actresses. When Meryl Streep as he thinks back to Mamma Mia, where they played together and recalls that she has listed. oscar nominations 2010 Seventeen nominations to her name Michelle Williams Firth says he learned a lot from her, even though he was 35 and she 12 when they first met. Then he takes the envelope and reads the name of Meryl Streep for.
"When they called my name I had the feeling that the whole country thought, 'keep on say it again?" But hey, what the hell. " She thanks her husband Don at the beginning of her acceptance speech, "or oscar nominations 2010 I call him only as the music goes." She looks into the room and says to say 'I will never stand here ", after three Oscars. "I see my life for me, my old friends and new. This is such an honor, but what matters most are the friendships, the love and the fun we had when we made films together."
Streep won her first two Oscars for Kramer vs.. Kramer oscar nominations 2010 and Sophie's Choice. Then she had thirty years waiting for the next. The three Oscars is no other record for an actor, that is with four still in the name of Katharine Hepburn. But she equals with Jack Nicholson, Ingrid Bergman and Walter Brennan. 5:13 pm: Best Actor
Under the strains of Swan Lake (which oscar nominations 2010 she won Best Actress last year), Natalie Portman comes on to announce. Best Actor She takes the time to have any role a word to say and show. An excerpt from the film "George, you did the impossible: we saw you as an ordinary man," she laughs at Clooney. "Jean, what a way to introduce oscar nominations 2010 yourself to America," she says of Jean Dujardin in The Artist. "With every gesture you took us back to that time." About Gary Oldman she says it is inconceivable that he only now has within his first nomination.
The award goes to the Frenchman, Jean Dujardin, who immediately embraced director Hazanavicius. "Oui!" He yells out on stage. "I love your country!" He reads his acceptance speech for a piece of paper and looks back at the first Oscar ceremony, which lasted 20 minutes. "If George Valentin (his role in the film) could speak, he would say:" Merci beaucoup, FORMIDABLE! '"5:03 pm: Obituary
Like every year a review of the filmmakers in the past year are deceased. Crystal taking the time to two in particular to commemorate the producers with whom he collaborated in making previous Oscar shows. Under a subdued version of What a wonderful World are among others Jane Russell, Peter Falk and Sidney Lumet passed.
For Whitney Houston (who starred in The Bodyguard) and Steve Jobs (who played a major role in the rise of Pixar) are commemorated, oscar nominations 2010 as well as documentary filmmaker and photographer Tim Hetherington, who was killed in Libya. Elizabeth Taylor is the segment ended. 4:56 pm: Honorary Oscars
A brief review of the three winners of honorary Oscars this year: James Earl Jones, Oprah Winfrey and makeup oscar nominations 2010 artist Dick Smith. The three winners will then take an open cloth receive from their lodge in the hall. 4:50 pm: Best Director
The prize for Best Director is presented by Michael Douglas. The French director Michel Hazanavicius wins. "I have an Oscar," he says surprised on stage. "I lost my speech, but I'm the most cheerful director in the world right now." Among all the contributors to the film he also thanked the dog Uggy, "even though he do not do that so well." 4:38 pm: Bridesmaids
The six main characters from The Bridesmaids come short films award, which flows into innuendo oscar nominations 2010 soon. "Length makes it out to me," laughs Kristen Wiig. The Shore, made by father and daughter George, wins Best Short Film. Father oscar nominations 2010 Terry carries the Oscar to the Irish people, where the film is about, daughter Oorlagh carries the award to her mother.
Angelina Jolie presents the Oscars for writers. First comes Adapted Script,