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There is a big secret for the sport. Many do not like. Few play. Behind our apparent ecstasy in celebration of the sport lies only disdain for sports games. This disdain is directed at the inability to grasp, and has grounded bafta games the game as fluctuation and flow of sensations, movements, relationships and potential. Sports phantasm in its aggression razularena recognizes only lackluster collectivity and isolated individuals bereft of any sensation, intensity and relationship.
"All beauty must die" by Velimir Zernovski appears as a critical blow to the foundations of zaednicata.Vo political context in which the dynamic relations of players sporting field is frozen into national icons, in which collective transmission of potential change and welcomes fetish winning trophy as the nation, and specifically-material interactions and reconfigurations between bodies become sports field projection screen fantasy and abstraction of the reality of the poor and lethargic citizen project "All beauty must die" by Velimir Zernovski appears as a critical blow the foundations of community. Strategic placement of a series of drawings of billboards in the downtown area of Skopje, placed around the core of 'Skopje 2014', bears witness to the intention of this critical endeavor.
"All bafta games beauty must die" is a serious section that demystifies, banters, and open to democratic transformation based indoor and violent assumptions of today, our implies being together, the community and the political. "All beauty must die" is a reminder that our unrecognized fear, contempt for our sport is a picture of our fear and our contempt for the political, to the community and to living together, to change.
Appropriating dominant iconography and symbolic arsenal of nationalist political project, sports symbolism in Zernovski a basis for criticism of nationalism. This krtitika it simultaneously: reviews of "search for roots" in remote antiquity; criticism of maskulinistichkata logic inscribed in the political imagination, and masculinity as dominant matrix organization and imagination of human sexuality and corporeality; bafta games critique of identity fatal closed fixation bafta games one and the same, violence and lack of recognition of otherness as constitutive for the existence of pluralism.
Violent certainty about who we are and what we are, destructive reliability that defines bafta games a set of assumed true as we think, what to build relationships, how to perceive reality, how to connect with the world, and how to arrange living together, transform the project into Zernovski pure contingency and coincidence, uncertain outcome. Confronting us with never guaranteed bafta games solutions to common life, "All beauty must die" bafta games invites us to place under the irony and problematisation bafta games our fundamental assumptions, the only possible path to democratic openness and pluralism.
Performativnoto *** marking Independence bafta games Day through installation drawings bafta games brings into question bafta games the violent tactics of the assumed one and the same, the image of the people and the nation bafta games in this direction was the nesluchaen Independence Day (8 September) as a timeline for setting up billboards with sketches of Velimir Zernovski. bafta games If the celebration of Independence Day is an expression of a collective mark instituirachkiot moment of collective bafta games political body, glorificirachko repetition of initial and constituent moment in which the will of the people becomes one, and many abstract bafta games as one and the same country, setting drawings Zernovski in shared public space, to this day, is a critical effort to examine the underlying assumptions of statehood and independence. Performativnoto marking Independence Day through installation drawings brings into question the violent tactics of the assumed one and the same, the image of the people and nation, and demystify violence which is constitutive for the state
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