Friday, December 26, 2014

Cubism is a modern art movement in the early 20th century, pioneered by Picasso and Braque. 2012 ac

Cubism is a modern art movement in the early 20th century, pioneered by Picasso and Braque. 2012 academy awards date Prinsipdasar common in cubism which describes the shape of the object with caramemotong, distortion, overlap, simplification, transparency, deformation, menyusundan various looks. This movement began in the media of painting 2012 academy awards date and sculpture respectively melaluipendekatannya
Bentuk2 his work using Shape (triangles, rectangles, cones, cubes, circles). Artists kubismesering using collage techniques, for example gluing pieces of news kertassurat, gambarposter. 2012 academy awards date
Cubism as the originator gayanonimitative appear after Picasso and Braque dig at once terpengaruhbentuk primitive art, such as sculpture tribes Liberia, bas-relief (basrelief) Egyptian, and African tribal masks. Also influence PaulCezanne painting, particularly the works of still life and scenery, which introduces a new Shape break Renaissance perspective. It made an impression padakeduanya that shed new flow.
The term "Cabbage" itself, 2012 academy awards date blaze thanks to the observations of some critics. Louis Vauxelles (kritikusPrancis) after seeing a work at the Salon des Independants Braque, berkomenmtar that Braque's work as Reduces everything to little cubes (put everything in the form of small cubes. Gil Blasmenyebutkan Braque painting as bizzarries cubiques (magic cube). Sementaraitu, Henri Matisse called 2012 academy awards date it a composition petits cubes (small cubes). Makauntuk then used the term Cubism to give aliranseperti characteristic of such works.
In the early development stages, Kubismemengalami Analytical phase that followed the Synthetic phase. In 1908-1909Kubisme soon lead more complex in the style of the later lebihsistematis ranged between 1910-1912. This initial phase is often given as an object painting istilahKubisme Analytical should be analyzed. 2012 academy awards date All elements lukisanharus broken consisting of facet-fasetnya or in the form of a cube.
The simplest graffiti in dindingkeretaGrafiti (also spelled grafitty or graffiti) is an art activity rupayang uses color composition, line, shape and volume for certain menuliskankalimat on the wall. The tools used are usually paint semprotkaleng.
Graffiti on the Israeli West Bank barrier northern kingdom of Israel-Palestina.Adanya social classes are separated too jauhmenimbulkan difficulties for certain groups of society to mengekspresikankegiatan art. As a result, some individuals use hampirtersedia facilities throughout the city, namely the wall.
Education kurangmenyebabkan art objects often appear in graffiti form of writings atausandi understood that only certain groups. Usually this works menunjukkanketidak satisfaction towards social situation they experienced.
Although graffiti in general bersifatmerusak and lead to high maintenance costs cleanliness of the city, but the graffiti tetapmerupakan artistic expression that should be respected. There are many famous artists 2012 academy awards date yangmengawali career of graffiti activity.
Naturalism in art adalahusaha display objects with an emphasis realistic natural setting. It lists different types of further deepening labih of realism movement in the 19th century romanticism sebagaireaksi above establishment.
One of naturalism in Amerikaadalah artist William Bliss Baker, who considered painting landscape paintings realisterbaik of this movement. Salahs atu important part of the movement naturalisadalah Darwinism outlook on life and the damage that has been ditimbulkanmanusia against nature.
"View of Toledo" by El Greco, 1595/1610 believed to have a major influence on expressionism 20th century, 2012 academy awards date despite the fact that this painting is a tendency manerisme.Ekspressionisme homage to an artist to distort reality with the emotional effects. Expressionism can be found in the works of painting, literature, film, architecture, and music. The term is usually more emotional towards the kind of emotions of anger and depression than happy emotion. Painter 2012 academy awards date Matthias Grünewald and El Greco can be called ekspresionis.Perupa 2012 academy awards date expressionist artists of the 20th century Expressionist classified are:
Germany: Heinrich Campendonk, Emil Nolde, Rolf Nesch, Franz Marc, Ernst Barlach, Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Erich Heckel, 2012 academy awards date Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Max Beckmann, August Macke, Elfriede Lohse-Wächtler, Ludwig Meidner, Paula Modersohn-Becker Gabriele Munter, and Max Pechstein. Austria: Egon Schiele and Oskar Kokoschka. Russia: Wassily 2012 academy awards date Kandinsky and Alexei Jawlensky. Netherlands: Charles Eyck, Willem Hofhuizen, Jaap Min, Jan Sluyters Jan Wiegers and Hendrik Werkman. Belgium: Constant Permeke, Gust De Smet, Frits Van den Berghe, James Ensor, Floris Jespers, and Albert Droesbeke. France: Gen Paul and Chaim Soutine. Norway: Edvard Munch. Switzerland: Carl Eugen Kee

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