Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Technology enables the creation of a software which can combine openness and sharing (sharing) of d

Rinaldi Syahran Just another Blog site Student F
Aug 28th Case Study of The New York Times and Boston Scientific 1. The New York Times chose to innovation to support academy awards fashion businesses through support for shared services (shared services) academy awards fashion among the various business units. academy awards fashion
The approach taken in The New York Times focused on the development of information technology innovation through initiatives gathering efforts of different parties. This is in line with the concept of the company as an open system and closed-loop system proposed by Mc Leod Jr., (2001). As an open system, The New York Times is connected to the environment through resource flows. This can be seen from the efforts of The New York Times held a contest of innovation to get new ideas from outside, as well as cooperation with other business units outside the expertise of The New York Times. Both efforts are made to build a model of a more solid business innovation. Of the innovation contest which is held twice a year, the Times Widget obtained as the winner. Times Widgets successfully developed Times Wire, a program for online real-time face-to-face adapted for online content. Research and development department of The New York Times led Michael Zimbalist collaboration with Adobe Developers in Times Reader 2.0 application development, and Netflix in the manufacture of an interactive map. While as a closed loop system, The New York Times make their own decisions relating to its operations. academy awards fashion
The existence of support for innovation in the business units through cooperation with other parties who are more competent in the field of each, so that will achieve superior innovation. This is in line with the opinion academy awards fashion of O'Brien academy awards fashion (2005) which states that one of the basic strategy of using information technology in business is a partnership strategy, which the company makes a new business relationships and alliances with consultants and other companies. academy awards fashion This step is done through cooperation with companies in the field of IT (Adobe developers, Times Widgets), entertainment services company (Netflix).
Since the start innovating, The New York Times does not require capital investment is too big. According to O'Brien (2005) one of the basic strategy of using information technology in business is the cost leadership strategy, where the company is trying to cut costs in the business process. The New York Times is able to increase revenues while cutting costs, improve efficiency through improved process (process academy awards fashion development) and automation. This work is done through the use of software for the rapid development of the use of rapid application development (rapid application), which is a software development method used for planning short before forming rapid prototyping.
A healthy and growing companies need to set aside 90-95% of the funds in accordance innovation for innovation's core business and 5-10% for new business models. This means that there needs to be certainty of fund in this innovation effort. This is in contrast to the efforts of The New York Times that it did cost efficiency.
Disclosure of The New York Times to establish cooperation with outside parties who have a variety of different initiatives on open opportunities academy awards fashion "valuable information" to outside parties who may not be favorable for The New York Times. Newspaper industry facing academy awards fashion complex problems, therefore academy awards fashion it requires patience to develop new business models and ensure the company's financial budget is always available.
Technology enables the creation of a software which can combine openness and sharing (sharing) of data by a factor of safety. academy awards fashion The software can monitor who is accessing what a regular basis and at the same time adapt to changing business conditions. Examples of the use of this technology is in line with that made Boston Scientific academy awards fashion lead discovery Goldfire software. Goldfire create automated work flow (automated workflow) that can analyze academy awards fashion the market and take advantage of the company's intellectual property. Goldfire able to combine the company's internal data with information from the public. Previously, academy awards fashion Boston Scientific's product developers working with software Silos restricted access when used for collaboration with colleagues in different production lines. Information is so closed that even if scientists find something useful from a previous project, they can not access it.
The use of enterprise data by outside parties can bring a potential hazard and the risk of misuse academy awards fashion of data by third parties. Cultural change is needed one way to change the ethical use of corporate academy awards fashion data, especially to outsiders. The company clearly expressed and affirmed kesepa

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