Wednesday, December 31, 2014

United States Eurabia theory sank in fertile ground 9/11 attacks. It based literature has already h

War of the Worlds |
Malmö is the worst ghetto and the fate of the Western world, where Muslim immigration will not stop. This claim to the opponents of Islam around the world. Image went to see what Malmö tells of a multicultural future.
Malmö City Council, Lars-Johan Hallgren afraid of Rosengård. 2012 grammy awards Last fall, he visited this notorious district of the other two ruotsidemokraatin and Finnish Kakkonen 2012 grammy awards TV Group. 2012 grammy awards Soon, the feeling was intensified, and the group had decided to leave. As they left, a number of young immigrants began to throw stones after them.
39-year-old Hallgren is Sweden Democrats Skåne department 2012 grammy awards of political secretary. He has lived in Malmö for about twenty years and worked actively in the party since 2000. He describes his hometown as unsafe and dangerous. 2012 grammy awards
"We have a gang crime, robberies, violence. Polls show that malmö equality do not feel safe. They do not go out at night and skip the restaurant and movie nights 2012 grammy awards because of the fear. "
"Then we have a large number of particularly outside the Nordic countries immigrants. We can not forbid them not to come, but they have no education, no job and no language skills. They inevitably marginalized. They can survive in different ways; some do work on the black, some do not do nothing but live on social assistance of the. Some are directed to crime. "
Malmö immigration issues 2012 grammy awards have been discussed extensively in the international media. American 2012 grammy awards TV channel Fox News reported in 2004 that "90 2012 grammy awards percent of Muslim immigrants in Malmö are unemployed, and they vent their frustration with the authorities." British magazine GQ in supplier told me that he was the town's Tourist Information advised to stay away from Rosengård, migrants of the city. The story was called to Malmö, "a multi-cultural disaster in the core."
American Institute Pew Forum report made in August, according to which Sweden is one of the countries where religious unrest will increase the most. In particular, the report drew attention to Malmö.
MP Jussi Halla-ahokin is a blog written over the years, a lot of Malmö Malmö is not only in Scandinavia and the multicultural capital of the rape, arson and robbery capital. And, Malmö, which is the next few years, becoming the first European Muslim majority city, are 5-6 times more rapes than in Copenhagen next door, which is a much larger city.
In the middle of everyday life here, there is an lähiöuneliaisuus. Old men sit back at the mall, women pushing baby carriages on the streets. Food trade, advertising promises 2012 grammy awards that everything is "100% halal".
In just over three square kilometer area is home to officially around 23 000 people. There is a mall, five schools, 2012 grammy awards indoor swimming pool, sports hall, football pitches (including the most famous rosengårdilaisen, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, 2012 grammy awards the title field) and a dozen different municipal agencies. Dwelling 2012 grammy awards balconies adorned with satellite dishes.
Rosengård most notorious area Herrgården for most of their residents the first home in Sweden. 96 per cent of the region's inhabitants are of foreign origin. The unemployment rate is about 85. The area consists of three apartment 2012 grammy awards building blocs, which will be the center of the play areas. They are necessary: almost half of the population is Herrgårdenin minors.
The 1973 oil crisis 2012 grammy awards was born when Middle Eastern oil-producing states require the United States and Western Europe 2012 grammy awards to stop supporting Israel. But how the crisis was resolved, we are not told everything, argues Born in Cairo, Jewish Bat Ye'or. In his 2005 published book Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis is an Islamic 2012 grammy awards opponents in the Bible. Or the Koran.
Bat Ye'orin, the Arabs put the oil crisis in the secret requirements to which the EC countries had to agree, otherwise they will never again should 2012 grammy awards the oil in the Arab countries and funding from Arab banks. Was created to meet the requirements of the EAD, the Euro-Arab Dialogue. Genuine conspiracy.
In public, commonly known forms, inter alia, the Barcelona Process and the Union for the Mediterranean. The highest body is, however, Bat Ye'orin 2012 grammy awards says the Commission, which has led to Europe for almost four decades. It directs, inter alia, the Euro Parliament, the national 2012 grammy awards parliament, banks, the press, universities, churches, political parties, and so on. The goal is to conquer the European Muslim mass immigration, the United States to weaken and destroy Israel.
United States Eurabia theory sank in fertile ground 9/11 attacks. It based literature has already hyllymetreittäin. One of the most famous resident of Oslo is an American poet and Islam-critic 2012 grammy awards Bruce Bawerin released in 2006 While Europe Slept: How Radical 2012 grammy awards Islam Destroys the West from Within.
Bawerin book tells a lot of Malmö, which Eurabia theorists No

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