Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Reality that infiltrates the mafia has life in Italy can not be denied. Therefore, oskar pink the a

Neo-neorealism is the return of neorealism movement in contemporary Italian cinema. This movement is like an echo positive when the Italian economy was in the earlier result in reduced performance of the Italian cinema of the 1980s. The emergence of neo-neorealism succeeded in giving the memory oskar pink of the influence of neorealism years 1942-1952 as a movement that affects oskar pink the cinema world. It is characterized by two major films that win the nomination Festival du Cannes in 2008 that the work of Matteo Garrone's oskar pink Gomorra and Il Divo work of Paolo Sorrentino. The second film is like a gong that marked the rise of the 'neorealism' Italy in the form of new, so-called neo-neorealism.
Neorealism cinema itself is a movement that occurred after World War II as a criticism of Italian filmmakers will cinema that does not reveal the real Italian life. Spectators at the time like a given 'utopia' in the film as an attempt to escape from the bitter reality. Therefore, neorealism cinema restore purpose to show a similar film with reality. next.
Reality that infiltrates the mafia has life in Italy can not be denied. Therefore, oskar pink the authors chose to raise this issue in real depicted in the film Gomorra. In an interview with Vice Magazine, Roberto Saviano, author of the Camorra is the basis of Matteo Garrone's Gomorra make the film states: "The death toll in Italy caused by the mafia is greater than the fighting in Gaza. The war between these groups has claimed about 10,000 lives along the history of the Italian mafia. " [1] Based on the facts and supported by the opinion Pierpaolo Antonello, senior lecturer Department of Italian Studies at the University of Cambridge in the Italianist (2010). He stated that Gomorra is a picture of life at the same italaia the 'return' neorealism movement in contemporary Italian cinema.
Two factors that are then directed the author to describe the neo-neorealism which is a picture of Mafia life. Exposure will be preceded on neorealism change to pink neorealism, until then until the neo-neorealism. Then, the analysis is restricted to the cultural and aesthetic dimensions related oskar pink to the concept of the Camorra based system of membership and power, as well as the business is run as a secret society in the history of Italy as a representation of social life. The exposure will be covered by the conclusions of the authors.
Part two in this discussion will discuss the development of Italian oskar pink neorealism, then pergerakkannya to pink neorealism, until the neo-neorealism that allegedly appeared in 2008. The Italian cinema has an important oskar pink position oskar pink in the history of the development of world cinema, one of which is the period of neorealism that occurred oskar pink in 1942 -1953. Neorealism is a movement of filmmakers as the impact of the crisis of World War II that destroyed oskar pink much of the infrastructure in Italy. Neorealism also displays a real reflection of the condition of the working class communities where people suffer because of the crisis as well as the difficulty to meet the needs of everyday life. Picture of life basically arises as a critique of the current condition oskar pink of the only cinema showing the lives of the elite (marked by a white phone or telefono bianchi). Some movers neorealism like De Sica, Rosselini, Visconti, Zavantini, until Fellini wanted oskar pink to sensitize the public through their movies. This objective was summarized in the words of Zavantini of neorealism in which the role of the artist oskar pink is not just directing the audience's emotional upset or happy, but also to make the audience oskar pink sensitive and think about its relationship with the surrounding environment. Zavantini stressed that cinema oskar pink is essentially to show reality as it should (reality oskar pink exactly as it is). Of the many films neorealism as Ladri in Biciclette, Sciuscia, to La Strada, Umberto D work of Vittorio De Sica is the title of the last film that marks the end of neorealism in Italy (Bergan, 2011: 154).
During its development, neorealism and then decreases when the Italian government in 1950 because under the leadership of Giuolio Andreotti oskar pink make an institution that infiltrate every script oskar pink and film production. Andreotti from Catholic Democratic party also directs neorealism to a more optimistic. That the reality of the lives of workers who previously portrayed without hope, then framed in happiness though surrounded by poverty, disability, and pain. One of the changes that can be identified in pink neorealism is the happy ending in the film and the use of actors / actresses professional. However, Mira Leihm in his Passion and Defiance: Film in Italy from 1942 to the Present stated that Pink Neorealism is the form of the return of Italian cinema in the period before neorealism in

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