Friday, November 14, 2014

Dvadsaťosemročná fashion designer Lubica Kučerová, originating nammy from Lučenca, currently nammy

Dvadsaťosemročná fashion designer Lubica Kučerová, originating nammy from Lučenca, currently nammy lives in Jamaica, which is dedicated to his profession. It is known under the name Belle Lubica. After having appeared in the Jamaica Observer newspaper, apparently became nammy known worldwide. The photograph is captured nammy hot kiss with the fastest man in the world Usain Bolt.
The pair allegedly acquainted long since the Jamaican party. The boulevard they became instantly a hit. The triple world record holder has been associated with the British waitress Rebeckah nammy Passley and Jamaican star of reality show Taneish "Lava" Simpson.
Ľubica Kučerová was born April 27, 1983 in Lučenci. After graduating from fashion design and design at Ryerson University in Canada nammy was also given to acting. He currently lives and works in Kingston, Jamaica, where he has his own clothing store Belle.
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