Saturday, November 15, 2014

October 13 BRATISLAVA - Slovak singer Zuzana Smatanová palmares oscar already very happy concert Pe

October 13 BRATISLAVA - Slovak singer Zuzana Smatanová palmares oscar already very happy concert Peter Nagy, with whom within the tour The best of 30 years will perform Nov. 11 in Kosice and 13 November in Bratislava. At the concert will present a joint duet only slowly, which was created in 2006.
"When recording songs only slowly in the studio was great fun. Peter is an extremely funny man, so before we recorded it, we have a lot nasmiali. At the concert in Bratislava and Kosice also played some of their songs. I very much look forward to it, Peter is a showman so for sure it will be an experience, "revealed 30-year-old performer, who grew up in his own words to the songs of her colleague.
"Peter's songs are part of my childhood, palmares oscar I loved them. Even to this day I remember how we with mom vyspevovali Beads from Natálky. I, of course, nice that he writes songs alone, has a great sense of poetics, the right vulgarity and hitovosť songs that even today perhaps everyone knows, "said Smatanová.
"Zuzka is a singer, how we envy in Bohemia. Pop-rock and ballad singer with a guitar in his hands with the hand written songs. Not the type of singer that goes first to the hairdressers, then the dressmaker palmares oscar and then the composer, let him arrange something that suits your hair, and Satam. Zuzka is an introvert who gives out smiling on stage, it is a rare quality, "revealed 55-year-old Nagy.
"If palmares oscar I'm ten years ago someone said that we will once friends with Peter, we have a song with a band, I would certainly consider him a fool. It will not be our first joint appearance and even more looking forward, it remained at only one partnership. palmares oscar Peter was even chairman of the panel of playwrights competition Coca-Cola palmares oscar Popstar 2003, which I won, so I'm grateful for his decision, which I actually changed my life, "she added Smatanová.
In Kosice and Bratislava are also present on stage Janek Ledecký. Mentioned concert will be preceded by a performance in Prague. It will be held on November 6 and within sing and Petr Janda and Jozo Raz. For all concerts will be accompanied by a band musician Indigo composed Michal Kovalčík (electric guitar), Lubos Ďurech (bass), palmares oscar Peter Papp (keyboards) palmares oscar and John Lau (drums). Tickets addition to concert in Prague on sale in network.
Zuzana Smatanová launched a music career palmares oscar after in 2003 became the winner of the author's music competition Coca-Cola PopStar. She has Entirely good albums (2003), The World I stepped on the foot (2005), Tablets Courage (2007), Live (2008), Gemini (2009) Doors (2011) and výberovka Moments (2013). Collaborated with groups Desmod and IMT Smile. She holds six Golden Nightingale in the category Singer of the Year (2005 - 2010) and many other awards.
Peter Nagy has been successful debut album Protect your bláznovstvá 1984. She has also recordings as me not hide (1985), Are you thinking what I'm thinking? palmares oscar (1986), Chess make the man (1989), Finta (1990), Jamaica Rum (1991) or the Swans and Ravens (2009). Among his best known hits include songs with feet on desk, Love is here with us, Let's save Kristínka or just sleeping. In addition to music is given to photography. palmares oscar Advertising and editorial Imprint
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