Thursday, January 8, 2015

2012 (13)

American Idol auditions are now seen, and yet I remained in my aim to be excited about, without anyone. This is of course not in any - One person was Arponen the race at this point me in greater ignored. The very first idea about him I do not think I will never be ashamed to acknowledge all, because it was a bit of attitude, even racist: I was sober delighted that the fracturing Finnish-speaking guy came from England - somehow finer than most of the country with a foreign entrepreneurs.
Language skills seemed now to be even more significant oscar speech role. Spanish Pablo was a refreshing case, but it would undoubtedly have had problems for the occasion learned sutkautusvaraston runs out. And nähtiinhän there too, that the accent oscar speech is not a barrier, if it is otherwise sufficiently oscar speech luminous, like the Chinese, Eva. For me, the more general problem was the English - tight Koop-Elias-tube has made me unreasonably critical rallikuskiassosiaatioita point.
Auditioned in mind was, of course, pussy-Lassi Valtonen (the name of my own, with all due respect). At first glance, loser great guy sang, reportedly, like an angel. In fact, I so impressed, but admittedly controversial singing skills and personal epämuodikkuuden there was charming. I have no doubt that the Lassi hype is based on the surprise torque in the same way as the big voice makes a greater impact when it comes to correct a small man. Peruspoppariksi dressed in basic Jamppa not guaranteed to be collected tens of thousands of fans in a similar tone. But there is certainly potential for Lassi. If he manages to develop nössöstä stardom without losing any personality, the game may be clear. Pussy-Lassi is probably the worst contender rock-Ilpo Kaikkonen, perfect for rock packaging amazing enkelikiharoita, intense gaze and still quite handsome at ultrasonic. It is of course difficult to assess how much of the external pomp, reflected in the song, that is, whether he perusjamppana been overlooked. On the other hand, if nössöhabituksella can wow, exceptionally handsome easily cause disappointment if the content oscar speech is not as good as the shell.
The judges threw However, Ilpo over a nice evocation. Olli Lindholm began applied for that "... what was it 80s kuusamolaisbändi?" oscar speech By Jone Nikula could name Zero Nineksi, and together they declared to be Ilpo as Kepa Salmirinne once. For comparison, the relevancy of I do not know, but everyone in the highlights on a surprise visit today idolinmetsästysohjelmassa, even at the level of thought, it was an exhilarating moment oscar speech that caused the positive vibes Ilpo with respect to the future. So I look forward to a fascinating duel seemingly perfect rock star and completely rock habitusta incomparable oscar speech types. Perhaps motivated by the challenger. Of course it would be nice to see tytönkin between winning. Or is this now well-established pattern that teenage girls and aunts vote for the winner of a cute boy, and then the record companies and radio stations uncles rolling over the beautiful oscar speech girl in the winner's over? The main thing is that the show remains kisana. I have come to the conclusion that Elias Hämäläinen (so far!), A modest success is partly due to the fact that he was too good X Factor, and it also would have been a little higher level of Idolsiin. When the winner was clear from the beginning, the fans are equally committed to your favorites, as if they would have had to strain oscar speech his behalf. Never crossed himself was not so frantic Elias fan even during the race, but the thing exploded oscar speech in the hands of the counter when the disc was successful unimaginably far worse than deserved.
Maybe I can breathe a sigh of relief that I did not then no Likes ruined any idols, but the other way around - totally hooked so tightly couple of artists were specifically due to the general undervaluation. Obviously not know how to appreciate, and fanitus gets an extra emotional charge that can be imagined support the artists only the power of thought. And the fact is quite a good chance in the past served as an American Idol-Seppälä's recent recordings and the list of investments may conclude ... well, Pete, after all gigs yet, and hopefully be able to continue Eliaskin - my encouragement, or in spite of it.
2012 (13)

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