Saturday, January 10, 2015

In the kitchen, in

Partner blogs Shipping Laura de Lille ite puin Sarah Sarvas Wooden house Baby White Trash Disease Focus on Packaging Pupulandia Coco Sweet Dreams Lilou's Crush in borrowed plumes Suvi sur le vif you feelin it JEPSUKKA My life, when it became like this (wonderful) ... Without you I lead Asikaine
Traditional days of live-posting again after a little while. These romppeissa broken quite action-packed day, and visited Bestseller Fashion Fair in Seppälä and Re-Launch. Were going along, although Zara alealealen vitosen paid teepaidan open neck is not yes not quite forte ours, but still requires some getting used to, that vahinkovilahtelua happen.
Job start less than a month ago ended the summer, yes me, I am not one of the lucky ones with holiday and summer vibe is maintained after the return to work. Too bad! Therefore, in my head it is not possible anymore to wear shorts and toppeihin, even if it is the meter and the temperature is just right clothing selection for these wonderful rest of the summer days. Let's not as such, does not come to me all the sweat, amused just watch the people, some of them toddles in full kesävermeissä, and some already wore takkiinkin. I am clearly of the medium between.
I am also quite fond of delicate jewelery around the neck. Next distress that need obeys thin thin gold chain, without pendant, excavated academy awards live stream their own caches. There will be over teen years to mind when the chain depended on the tiny hearts, which I got as a gift otherwise. I think it was a natural choice because of my name.
Just the perfect outfit. And if that is Fri lästynyt deer ajovaloissa- look, so beautiful that too I guess, then, after all, means :) Reply to comment academy awards live stream
Oijoi, thank you! It was a really nice site, with the exception of vilautusvaaraa. And expression was essentially "frozen in front of the lens," a horrible when I do any other likes to be photographed, even if it were your own man -on a sudden, but RAPS and "yeah valid for": D Reply to comment
I have a problem with that morning-coat / jacket does not matter. I tried today desperate jacket cardigan on top of the combination (villlis is as such by a small light, academy awards live stream not peeping through from the bottom), but it was suddenly too hot combination. Maybe it jakulla then only following a couple of weeks ago and could again watch that either the jacket on. Reply to comment
I understand, as the same has always been a nuisance! Now, when I get to work by car, it is easy yes, the same clothes will still inside and outside of the short distance. But in fact, I do so that I grab out leaving a thin cardigan bag disasters, postpone this jacket will be less than if the frost :) Reply to comment
I while I dress up for work - and work has begun, of course, also the free - so long shorts and skirts and lyhythelmaisiin dresses without academy awards live stream tights than just Refine because the Finnish summer is so short unhappy. And the toes should be given to flash Wedges tips as long as possible! Get a little breathing academy awards live stream booties. Enclosed shoes must traipse then three quarters of the year, hohhoijaa ...
Today, as promised in the cooler academy awards live stream road conditions, then I'd pull the leg jeans, a thin merinovillaneuleen and in the summer I purchased the red high heel shoes that are hunted for something like three or four years. I-ha-nat! So nii-in lovely! When your ankles are still bare, that too before the end of the summer feeling. (Supposed to get today's live blog immortalized up.)
Being photographed is karmeeta ... at least I'm doing is tightening every muscle in the face quite inadvertently, when I see a camera. But really skarpin academy awards live stream looking outfit. And ps. today hairdresser academy awards live stream running I studied women's magazines (Health and Beauty?), in which you had a fabulous facial image. Reply to comment
Yesterday, I was the first time in a trench coat on top; However, I have seen here throughout the summer (ie those cold days) using a wide quilted academy awards live stream jacket ... Probably due to the fact that the July temperatures were almost the same as joulunakin!
In the kitchen, in
The Cashmere Hour
tiina Petriikka
A & amp; A at Home
2015 (8) January academy awards live stream (8) Toolbox Return to four years, ie the boot cutin return Dobby. Eikun Nabby. "I'd like a little remodel" Oh Brooklyn All is pretty. 21 live images academy awards live stream for the year 2014 Out 2014 (306) December (25) Today, toast Tell your tips for starting a race conservatively winter! Excellent lohileipäset -herkkuvinkki New Year's recipient of the Pyyhällys Alessa Report popkornisuklaa! Hard-only packages of bacon Ken kauneiten glitters academy awards live stream Christmas not become a tassel dress need one stuck up Martha Perfect classic red (small) Christmas Kemuvarustus next winter zebra Excellent comfort meatballs Orange puristepiriste Ludden neo Job wool Gone with the Independence Day tradition Pyykkimuijan saving paper flip godparents home Moulting! On pompons Cyber Monday today November (25) Kuppikakkuset Reenipakaste United age difference Brooklyn or Harlem?

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