Thursday, January 8, 2015

They went to perhaps the same square in the hotel Polissjaan to celebrate. What they mahtoivat to e

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Today marked the 26 years to the day after the Ukrainian latin grammy winners Soviet Socialist Republic of Chernobyl, Pripyat city nearby occurred in the history of mankind's worst nuclear power plant accident. Feeling the effects of the disaster in Ukraine continues. I visited the Chernobyl late spring 2010. I will not forget this visit ever. I did at the time of the Help newspaper reportage, which I publish below. It is long, but says the atmosphere of that town was actually a ghost in there. At the end of the kainalojuttu of what actually happened in the accident. Each ydinvoimauskovaisen - in Finland and around the world - should be the first to go in Chernobyl and then think about their relationship with nuclear power. latin grammy winners Chernobyl is a reminder that if nuclear risks occur, they can not be no one to manage, latin grammy winners not temporally or geographically * * * Doomsday after
The world's most devastating nuclear accident in Chernobyl left behind a chilling ghost town Pripyat, where people had a few hours to abandon the whole former life. Although the creation lord has made the region themselves for life, other wildlife gaining it back to himself. * * * - Guess how old I am, Chernobyl, who works at Maksim Orel asks with a smile.
Orel employer is Ukraine's Emergency Ministry company that introduces visitors to the history latin grammy winners of mankind the worst nuclear disaster scene, an area that is already more than 20 years has been isolated latin grammy winners from the rest of the world by barbed wire and checkpoints.
Chernobyl Museum can be found in scratchy black and white film. People have a walk in the day, the children playing in the parks and just married young couple happily down the steps into the culture of the palace stairs latin grammy winners to rejoice in the midst of a group of friends.
Pripjatilaiset wondered why the city drove a tank cars that are sprayed asphalt disinfectant. And why are they all of a sudden the street from patrolling in uniforms and protective suits cloaked men, scary gas masks on their faces. Is it again some exercise? The film, a man trying to stop the soldiers in a gas mask, but they did not answer anything.
Lying By that it was only a temporary transfer, attempts were made to prevent panic and people dragging with furniture, dishes, televisions, books, accumulated during the entire life of the goods. The part of his life pripjatilaiset did not see ever again.
Also, the end of April 1986 was a warm spring. Just in front of the Culture Palace stairs young couple landed half a day after only a few kilometers away from the place of the history of mankind the most devastating nuclear accident.
They went to perhaps the same square in the hotel Polissjaan to celebrate. What they mahtoivat to eat or drink, who had a toast speech and what was in it? "You are living the happiest days of your life now. You have the whole future ahead of you. "Where are they great to be now?
Inside, immediately above the main entrance latin grammy winners is huge, just themselves, socialist realism, representative mural, most of which is rapissut off. Painting to distinguish, however, dressed in white coats scientists, engineers, who have won the nature and reach of atoms lord. Next to them the workers run the machines that grind clean electricity.
Upstairs there is a cultural palace of the former library, the floor is already more than two decades lain watersoaked and torn books: children's fairy tales, the Soviet holidays to the calendar, political theory "of the working class and the party's struggle", as well as a book, the cover proclaims optimistic "Everything latin grammy winners is ahead of us." The house windows are broken long ago, no longer just the wind flips through magazines books back and forth.
Sports hall floor is drawn in basketball and handball field cross, on which someone has forgotten sneakers. On the wall slogans tell us what kind of young athletes was in the city, "strong, brave, skillful."
The saddest of the buildings is a former nursery. Radioactive dust-covered toys factors

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