Sunday, April 5, 2015

By the Waldorf last night something happened in politics, or been told, in Israeli culture. Yair La

By the Waldorf last night something happened in politics, or been told, in Israeli culture. Yair Lapid, the first political experience, took 19 seats in the Knesset. Yes, he was a dominant figure in the campaign from the first moment. But his brilliant success (the second largest party) Many shocked the first time that the coupling terms "Yair Lapid" and Rush government "was mtv vma awards not said in the context of a joke or prophecies. The political implications, the economic and political mtv vma awards fantasy, leave commentators in their field. We are here to talk about music, because if you remember mtv vma awards - if you forget we mention mtv vma awards - Among his capital so many (actor, writer, columnist, Moderator entertainment program, screenwriter, news anchor, presenter of the Bank and boxer), a torch is also a lyricist. The truth, Torch inappropriate given special mtv vma awards attention as a songwriter. Like most things he did in his songs were also infected superficial and medium. Not only in quality, even his creative body quantitatively not very impressive. According to a Shiront only 22 songs written, composed and performed mtv vma awards in the past 30 years. Maybe three of them can be considered as hits ("sailor's favorite song," "live at Tiffany", and Forever young "- Dylan's song translation). Any other person deserved mtv vma awards ignored, but directed that soon the man will be your Prime Minister, we think ought to know what he writes (how he writes Governor of you right now - as a boy of 12). 22 songs. 17 of which were composed by his friend and his longtime mtv vma awards Rami Kleinstein. 7 of the joint works written for Rita and 8 for Remy's solo career (of which 5 After 2009, so we know whose side he took after a highly publicized breakup). Yair and Rami contributed two songs to the album the band's only one song mango and Yardena Arazi ("picture again", 1985). Lapid wrote two songs composed by none other than Shlomo Artzi, one carried out by Rita and the other by what to do with (we shall further discuss how it relates). Another song composed mtv vma awards by Simon Buscaglia and carried out by Sarit Hadad. Song of Hag'idkis translated by him and carried out by one named Dorit Farkash and there is also one song written by MK torch for Tel Aviv Youth Band (!). Two main issues occupied the torch in his writing - relationship between them and the Israeli reality. Because of this issue and other clichés you can imagine start by the first issue, revealing the torch is not only superficial and populist flatterer, is also quite a chauvinist. Image not related but always happy "may not go far from here" Some of the songs were written by Rita and some by Rami. Not hard to guess what to whom, and not just because the biases male and female. It seems the torch - already amazed enter his father's head and write the name Autobiography - knowledge often use his own avatar to know what women want. And women especially want - it's a man. "Sailor's favorite song" (1986) notorious mainly mtv vma awards due Hniimdrofing mtv vma awards pseudo-intellectual mtv vma awards ("Imagine George Amado / visionary cruel sea"), returning to future columns thread, and got, a crime qua non, innocent pop song (and only we are willing to admit really worth something). But beyond that it is a song that tells of a girl submissive waiting for her man. "He did not know / how she waited at night." This is a repeated theme of torch songs. The man is far from all the role of women (usually Rita) is sit and wait. The last letter "(" Open Window ", 1999), in which the speaker sits and writes a distant (" Hello / city weighed anchor mtv vma awards / night sailing in the dark / I write because I promised / Although I have nothing mtv vma awards to say "), as well as the farewell song "too late" ("Big Love", 1992): "There is a point we can start it / I do not go out with you for the trip / black asphalt have our ways / And no entrance to the beach where we made love." TMI.
Submission mtv vma awards is also evident in the song "Before the night is over" ("Oxygen", 2003) where she sang: "Do not take me / like it is clear / do not take me / As if the story is closed." The woman never passive and the ball is never in the hands of man. Even seemingly song which the woman is strong, it is only waving the man after fooling around "for two weeks he avoids going to be late and talking careful afraid to tell me he was walking away as if he could hide". ("Not good for you, go", from the "oxygen") You may say, and with some justification, that life is unjust, Love Hurts and many other cliches you've read in 7 days, but the image of women entering context mtv vma awards when compared to her male mirror image. There is a reason that the submissive woman sits and waits. Sure when her man behaves like this: "the old car scratches and abrasions love beating on the table and shouting may not go far from here." The Minister mtv vma awards of Rami Kleinstein album "Day of the Bomb" from 1989 (and renewed last album "complex situation"). And if you argued with youthful vigor, then that over the years we study the merger of Lapidklinstein not disappeared, it just became a self-righteous than: "The whole world told you I wrong man too old, too young, and there is no logic singers working the night late every year the roads become longer than I realized you're right, it does not live in half the hate T'bhorot, the applause did not want to live alone, sleep alone at one that makes you be on the side but who touched you like me? Who flavor you like me? Who told you to like me - no like you? "(" It's been two years ", 2010) Well what can you expect from a man of his gender worldview amounts," I helped you carry and taught me to love "(Song exposed, 2009)" One little fat one "Yair Lapid conservative. mtv vma awards Another picture shows a different language he attributes to men and women can be found in relation to the subject started in the late eighties hire Tel Aviv (and especially writers mtv vma awards who purport to know Tel Aviv) - casual sex. "Men, she says, it comes and goes but cold nights she knows it's going and getting into complicated and goes and goes," these immortal lines, along with other cliches that defined the "North" Tel Aviv (working on a short film, denominations

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