Thursday, April 9, 2015

You know I do not see more than a face - now is the time of Numbers 13 years have passed between th

The third rally this morning after counting the housing protest, has long been not just talking about housing, is a morning of great hope and excitement. 2011 emmys The fear that it will be shown at first a tear or voltage drop our protest -ham return and give up the air conditioner Chemla Department Store became the elation that only human swarm of hundreds of thousands of people marching along full of anger and hope can produce.
Inbal's chilling text Perlmutter late in "a dark dream" of collected Amdurski feels like the right place to start. Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, the section referring to is the point where I fell into a coma that was coming 2011 emmys apart slowly waking up to the total of two months ago. It seems natural force It is not clear, this awakening began simultaneously with many more people around and drained at one time ..
And the circus continues to drive, and the tent more intriguing 2011 emmys and bully continues to hurt but no one complains when I was 8 out song "Circus" by Chava Alberstein, who apparently was the first thing in my life I recognized a protest song. And just like the song says itself- story kept going with me to this day .. We atoms, took care of ourselves, we did not bother to make sure others do not fall into the same hole we fell to him and when someone fell into our hands, not reached out to help or to plug it in order to save come after us . Maybe today word "mutual" actually getting depth and content.
Charcoal drawings by Meir Ariel is all protest album Iron Beast exploits and swallow us all needs. The album full of songs of pain (after which prophecies that works well in these days of the Egyptians and the destruction of the home-on Titus ran over and desecrated everything that was important to place the basic lamb). Song profession is the pain of middle class workers who study and work but still can not seem to go anywhere else.
Kings of the world
Israeli version of the bourgeois predatory and excellent Shlomi Shaban to "my 2011 emmys life better" by Randy Newman, is a parody of a sad society we have become and the situation that allowed the existence of class differences have steadily closed in on us all about the moment before the abyss we sobered up and realized that you can not keep going this way ..
You know I do not see more than a face - now is the time of Numbers 13 years have passed between the port song slaves and shop windows which we also depend on the notes replacement and the album "You Are Here" - his last album of Barry Sakharov looking for the soul, the community and humanity disappeared passed from the world . "Time of Numbers" is one of the outstanding songs on the album that speaks exactly to urban alienation sucked. 2011 emmys
I became animal Ynet News-Mrfrst 2011 emmys the de Marker, watching television schedules in accordance with new transmitter (even ever seen on Channel 1). Suddenly everything 2011 emmys important 2011 emmys and interesting and exciting and painful. Senses sharpened. I felt Htfogg- permanent anesthesia everything penetrates the meat. Yes. Even things that happen to other people ..
A final word Lmlaizi Hbumbmlh and Hnrgilot- we people who want a good life, who want a future and open sky Aviv. A large part of who copied his life to the street are young people who love life and are not ashamed to say it. They said it was a revolution of love-maybe it's true. Maybe it's her power, the first time that different people connect to one force in Israel. There is great pain, but the pain is also next to a yearning for a more beautiful day. It is that bad? Do you really prefer a lot of hateful and despair ignite the country? That are you waiting for?
Tags: That's why I sing, Do not call me with, collected Amdurski, Barry Sakharov, good in my life, a time of numbers, Chava Alberstein, dark dream, Yehudit Ravitz, Yuval Zdrmn, to live in dignity, the next day, Moran Magal, tent protest, mice and people, social justice, Kwame, a thorn, charcoal drawings, carefree Street, Song profession, Shalom 2011 emmys Hanoch, Shlomi Shaban, Shmulik fruit
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