Wednesday, April 8, 2015

First, to question what exactly listing Shavid teacher. Well, this is an outline represents a rathe

Abraham horizon: the last lesson | Gideon Efrat's warehouse
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Being aware of the meaning of the word "rate" is also a Lkh, I often watch the final section of the mural of Abraham Horizon exchange Haifa University, "Israel: Shattered Dream" (1988-1986). More than once, I have lectured and talked about the picture best and worst dressed golden globes "art class" painted near the end of the murals best and worst dressed golden globes in question: a long table in the seminar, Horizon sits at the edge and in profile, surrounded by "students" (family and friends can be identified), and all three would listen to a lecture by professor Prof. Abraham Kampf (then head of the department at the University of Haifa, who brought the horizon Haifa who initiated the murals). best and worst dressed golden globes On the table, to the horizon, outline drawing Term 1984, "the mark" on the wall is a reproduction of "Jew praying" (or "multi Vitebsk") by Marc Chagall (1914), and the statue stands on the table, "Nimrod "Yitzhak Danziger (1939). Jewish Art and Art "Canaanite", two poles bequeathed to us Abraham picturesque horizon in his will that he wanted best and worst dressed golden globes one, among others, the painting "the mark". As mentioned above, including the employment Lesson "this, and influenced by it in different ways. Suffice it to mention esoteric booklet called "Nimrod tefillin" Printing in 1996 in 137 copies.
But, for some reason, I never gave me deeper into the second lesson - Now I know that this is a "natural rate" - the final lesson really the two-Kieron journey along the "Israel: Shattered Dream". Here, a woman stands in front of a group of children sitting at her feet on the ground. Probably, a kindergarten teacher. In her left hand she holds in her hand drawing on the right is a teacher to the double green image - a violinist and a fish skeleton. To be precise, the teacher's hand is directed primarily toward the fish. So much for a description of the last lesson.
First, to question what exactly listing Shavid teacher. Well, this is an outline represents a rather prickly types of inflorescences, betray (upper part) form of Temple Menorah, the Israeli national symbol. It turns out that the example of this listing Find Horizon booklet on "Medicinal our country", which he learned his sight, Thelma, during best and worst dressed golden globes her training as a teacher (for children) seminar "pine" in Tivon. It was in 1956, shortly before the marriage of the couple. Avraham Ofek, we note gave Thelma the end luxury class mural ("Thelma horizon shows rascals nature," he wrote early pencil outline horizon, representing a teacher, up a bunch of flowers, pointing to the Board of inflorescences hanging close to the board of skeleton-fish) . He, he at first took to open the mural image of Thelma role of "Mother Earth", which sits on the ground, her body covered with flowers and promotes the family comes to Israel, had to change the form of his daughter, Efrat, who took her life in 1986. Now, he "makes up" the Thelma B"finalh "Kieron journey, from the time of flowering of love Thelma eye-bay, courtship days.
Avraham Ofek not forgotten that magazine of flowers country, and nearly thirty years later, he returned to it (booklet was by the house), when he began working on a large mural that set in Haifa. Archive Keep a notebook page, which put the flowers in the old registry appear Bead teacher, and under every flower specify the Latin name: Capolino, Corimbo, Spiga, Grappolo o recemo, Cima, Scorpioide. Examination of these flowers Bllachsiconim Botanical reveals Choose horizon particularly thorny design of flowers. No doubt, these thorn flowers, as recorded by the horizon, are friendly, and it is clear that the artist, best and worst dressed golden globes dying, finishing best and worst dressed golden globes the "Israel: Shattered Dream" concern about the future of the children in the audience (mostly) According to the teacher. Temple lamp connection best and worst dressed golden globes speaks for itself. And before we went to the double image background, it is clear to us that the election of the horizon to end the mural image rate for preschool is an appeal to the future generation.
Thus the children of tomorrow best and worst dressed golden globes expect flowers provider best and worst dressed golden globes doubt briars. Fish picture, which shows the teacher, well known drawings of Horizon, who specialized in fishing in his home in Haifa (between 1988-1975), except for two which served as the culture of Rome, 1982-1981. Painting-drawing (scaled map) Horizon 1985 recorded under the fish's zoological representation "letter to the viewer this listing. best and worst dressed golden globes Though I would have preferred that the painting will speak for itself. Time would like to add to painting the words that clarify some of it and maybe another part seals forever. This week, 40 years after the end of World War II and all that happened. I heard a strange way fishermen, great people, talking about the 'silver plate' which is' silver platter. "His wonderful magic. 'silver platter' is certainly reminiscent of something" more 'What do you think? Book of Nature found Register best and worst dressed golden globes skeleton of' survivors silver ',' silver platter 'his spinal cord is the shape of the earth, green along the beaches and yellow face, and points out in cities. Ten ribs major clue to the tribes of Israel. And the color of

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