Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I was asked:

I was asked: "Eran peace .We Group Ashkelon called .... and has a lot of good and helping others but naturally also many disadvantages. There are some that say Administration communicate all kinds of prophecies fulfilled and the girls there too now flock to them in droves, I tried to explain to them the messages supposedly it receives are from God and the angels as it claims but what o hundred and demons, I tried to present evidence from the sources I explained I urged them to consult with a rabbi nothing helps are attacking me of a bad woman and insulting her, if you could pass me a link to a lecture strongly about this I will be happy. Something Concise not long audience is my window "Answer:" Anyone who does not orthodox compiler mehadrin (without wig or improper clothes that testimony woman unclean missed many that Satan controls herself and her husband and the sect that allows her wig and she only pretended to be ultra-orthodox) and painstaking commandments meticulous 2012 grammy awards that's all impurity full proof book has a chapter on dream interpretation Rabbi Yehuda Ftiia blessed memory, l where he shows how even the discovery of Elijah The great mistakenly thought that Elijah and he proved to them that it is a demon named Elijah and shows that the righteous are wrong sometimes Originally forces and disclosures if that holiness or impurity pretending to be a saint as we know demons can impersonate any image they want and mislead people 2012 grammy awards and this experience of Gd is trying to us ... It is known that dreams and revelations impurity pretending to be a saint ..cium 99 percent, if not 100 percent absolutely anyone engaged is receives messages only impurity or is a cheat and a fraud posing as make money cheating people ... and who she has powers are just demons and stay away from it like the plague !! ..ci Demons defile need them and following them soul is defiled impurity unbearable and she or he will be trapped in shells with great sorrow after death and other life they are given permission to be harmful to those who needed them and they helped him ..oaoi him alone ..hm could kill him at a young age, etc. ..am person repented and returned to complete this serious act and two Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef in his breasts apples (free overboard 2012 grammy awards in situ exchange Joseph) brought an amendment 2012 grammy awards to those who the caller or callers like this, as we know all this impurity ... fix what demons who had defiled it. .weintk grip Bo..oitztar needed their help ... Hence, keeps one's distance from them and like them ..is there who think they relate innocence and holiness are also men who fell and were among them impurity forces Nir Ben Artzi impure forces pretending to be a rabbi who says it and if it has only impurity They wrote great men of Israel including Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Gaon of blessed memory 2012 grammy awards (read Israel evidence garnered great about this impure Google recorded Nir Ben Artzi Eran Ben Ezra and see my blog article along with evidence from which you will learn about all the Contracting they all impurity !!) as The rest are published miracles lie often do babu this impurity or great men disagree on the righteous, it is known that it is evil masquerading as a rabbi if he has this impurity forces or demons or both multi-national religious ..cl (known everyone there unclean and idolaters conjunction ruled Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman and all the great men of Israel !!) or multi coincided with even a small thing he gets his strength impurity if he has such and evil hater of Israel misses the many that far from it like the plague it helps meta the people of Israel and considered harmful to the people of Israel and Moridm ask therefore be innocent with the name of your God and do go Lhbali these forces 2012 grammy awards ..koll if they holiness that remain innocently with Gd and ask about hidden hidden that the name they chose to leave them that way even want us to know there were no hidden ... especially moving away from the many Chabad misfiring send you open Holy fees all domains that send you to open the holy books because it goes not guess and not turn to the dead and the prohibition of borrowing fates and more as handed down by great men of Israel as Rabbi Ben Zion Mutzafi (recorded destinies and my name Eran Ben Ezra and the name of Rabbi Mutzafi and see quotes from Rabbi bringing stories from the past) that we will Thank God redeemed imagined all sorts and made a complete answer innocence and mercifully redeemed quickly artist since we mentioned the Chabad read: I was asked: Eran also Chabad has a defect? Answer: The sages of Israel know there has in many very serious problem called genius is close to most minds of Israel's largest Chabad explains the problems that go through 2012 grammy awards the theory and table set rabbi's letter read: http://eranbenezra.blogspot.co.il/2014/07/ blog-post_3838.html
G 2015 (966) The April (70) The March (463) G February (192) Holocaust survivor (241) 2014 (2327) The December (135) G (November 201) October (the 161) G September (202) G August (186) July (272) For the avoidance of schools know that Jewish 2012 grammy awards law defamation on missed ... look what happens to the wicked people of Israel who listen to the prophets of the bag ... a stern warning to misfiring many false messiah and false prophet called ... Bomb rate proves that the Torah truth ..trau your aura ... fight of my life: Arabs hate the people of Israel than any nationality ... BS serious warning ... Dear brothers and sisters and loved ones to a ... Watch: Stories thirty-six righteous The last-generation multi Fish .r"g ... Ben Ish Chai writes that if we want to overcome our enemies .. us ... King Solomon said the wise man: "For, Neither do-gnostic An ... request proof Creator reality and truth of the Torah and Shams ... stratagems of evil inclination called letter we received today know clinically dead terrorist ... full of visas from the US stealing and sentenced on the ... B.antishmiotosnat Gentiles Israel-Hiovitao negative? m ... chilling: 2012 grammy awards Measure for Measure is not null Mholmveni family cases ... exciting miracle and prepare handkerchiefs -krau Turkish flotilla to Gaza with the way the Navy of Torkihmargni ... Shearim: "Miracle at Betar Illit: Huge attack was prevented from ... destruction in Gaza exposed Images (Photography : Abed Rahim ... Respondent 2012 grammy awards Gaon Rabbi Ben Zion arbiter my Mutzafi

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